On the Journey

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Picture of Leema ^^


Kami was being a little overenthusiastic...I smiled anyways. He thought that magic was the coolest thing ever, and was always overjoyed when he could get it right. He was doing quite well now. As we've been heading off towards Hargeon, I've been teaching him more and more magic. We've walked through a few more human towns, but never really got to socialize with anyone. I knew that Leema was watching over us, but he never did show himself.

"Great job, Kami!" I said, giving him a quick hug.

"Is there any other magic you can show me?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Maybe later. You're exaughsted."

"I'm not!" Kami denied, but his hard breathing led me to believe otherwise.

"You are." I smirked. "And besides, we've got to keep moving."

Kami sighed but nodded, and we began to walk off again. "If you really want to know something more, we can grow scales, wings, and a tail." I told him as we continued down the dirt road.

He looked up at me and smiled brightly. "Really? Can you show me?"

I smiled and nodded, closing my eyes and letting my magic flow through me. Wings materialized from my back and a tail from the back of my waist. I flapped them a few times to get used to the feeling. "Here."

Kami place a hand on my right wing. "Wow..." He trailed off. "Can I grow wings too?"

"Of course," I smiled, though to be perfectly honest I wasn't really sure. I knew that I could, but could Kami?

"Can I try?" Kami asked.

"How about later?" I asked him, making my wings and tail disappear and fold back into my body. "It's getting a bit dark. Who knows what could be out there?" Kami was clearly disapointed, but nodded anyways. I sighed and patted his head. "Don't give me that face. I promise that you can try tomorrow, okay?"

Kami seemed to brighten up a bit. "Alright!"

I walked with him as the sun began to set, looking for a place where we could stay for the night. We ended up setting up a small camp off the road and in a small clearing. I brought out some leftover meat that we had from the last time I went hunting and we ate. Afterwards, when the night was dark, both me and Kami drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to smelling something.

My eyes opened wide and I sat up, sniffing the air. There was a different smell that was other humans. I started to growl a bit and stood, looking around for where they may be. Their sent came from all around us, and I realized that they must be planning on trying to jump us.

A man then came out from the forest, and walked towards us. I immediatly stood up and in front of Kami. "Who are you?" I growled.

He only smiled. "Two demi-dragons." He laughed. "We've hit the motherload, boys!"

Next thing that I knew, about twenty other guys came out and charged at us. I frowned and started to use my magic to hold them off, which wasn't all that much of a problem because there was plenty of earth to use. Kami ended up trying to help out too, which was great because even with my magical power I can't hold off more than twenty guys who can also use magic. We both managed to beat them, and I walked over to the guy who came out of the forest first.

"Why did you attack us?" I growled, making sure to show him my fangs as I raised a fist back.

He flinched and held his hands up. "Gah! Please don't hurt me!"

I snorted. "You're a weakling."

"D-demi-dragons are worth a lot of money if you can catch and sell them!"

I raised an eyebrow. "That has got to be one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. You would sell another being?"

"Y-you do whatever you have to do to survive!"

I sighed and walked away, back to Kami. "Come on, you, let's get out of here."


Later the next day, I was (sort of) listening to Kami ramble on about some more stories of his. It was adorable, and it often times made me just wanna squeal like some crazed fangirl, but I ended up blocking it out and thinking about those weird guys. It made no sence: why would you sell another being? We had nothing like that back in Dragon Land. It just...didn't make sence.

"Humans are really strange." I sighed out.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, they kinda are." Kami smiled. "Some are nice, and others wanna sell you."

"That's what I can't understand," I crossed my arms. "Why would you sell another being? I don't understand what you can get out of that."


My eyes widened and I turned around to see Leema. The hood on his cloak was down now, revealing his face. His skin was a light tan, his eyes and hair both blue, and a scar that ran across the right side of his face, over his lip. He looked older than me, but I couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, are you older than me?" I asked him.

Leema had an emotionless face on. "Probably."

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"I'm going to travel with you both." He explained, saying it as though we had no choice in the matter. Which, we probably didn't.

"You've been stalking us for a while now, you could have just walked with us." I looked at Kami. "What are you so excited for?"

"So, you're gonna travel with us?!" Kami ran over and hugged Leema around the middle. "Awesome! I'm Kami! What's your name?"

"Leema." He said, looking down and smiling a tiny bit.

"Yay! Big bro Leema and big sis Kida!" Kami began to run around. "We're a family!"

"You're too adorable for your own good." I smiled and patted his head.

"Kida," Leema said, making me look up. "I was wondering if you would finish teaching me water magic. My mother was only able to teach me a little."

"Uh, sure!" I said. "But, I have no idea about how great of a teacher I will be."

"You're a great teacher, big sis! Don't worry!" Kami hugged my leg.

"You're going to kill me with your cuteness." I said, patting his head.

Leema started to walk by us. "Are we going?"

"Well, aren't you a big party pooper!" I growled, running after him after Kami released my leg.

"Wait up, big sis and big bro!" He called after us.

"Hargeon, here we come!" I cheered.

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