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One month until school again. We became popular in the neighborhood for pickling the beast, but Phillips and his gang hated us more for it. Honestly nothing could defeat this summer. We continued our schedule, play baseball everyday, go home, and come back the other day. We were all walking home one day when we saw a moving truck driving in the street that led to our neighborhood.

We picked up the pace and came to the area and saw people taking out boxes from the truck. “More people. Wow, Utah is popular this summer.” I said.

Then another car came from behind us. It stopped in the driveway of the house and we saw a girl, maybe a year older than me, walk out the car. She had blond hair, light skin, and was wearing a pink skirt, white tank top, and flats.

I saw the boys staring at her with opened mouths. Even Benny, and he usually never did that stuff. Then from the other side, I saw a girl with black hair walk out. She wore jeans and a Beatles shirt. That was more my type of girl.

No one was looking at her except for me, the boys were still distracted by the blonde. I scoffed and walked over to them. I heard them talk. The dark haired girl was grabbing boxes from the car.

“Mindy, are you going to help?” “No. It’ll mess up my nails.” The blonde replied.
“Hey.” I said, which caught the girls’ attention.
“Hi.” she said, but the other just looked me up and down.
“I’m Diana.” I live a few houses from here.”
“My name’s Rebecca.” We shook hands. “This is my sister Mindy.” She pointed to the blonde.
“Nice to meet you.” I said.
“Great. So we live in a place with no stylish people.” She said rudely. Man, I was about to punch this chick in the face.
“Shut up Mindy. Go fix your makeup or something.” Rebecca said. Mindy walked into the house, but not without shooting me a glare.
“Sorry about her.” “It’s okay.” I reply
“Anyway, let me introduce you to my friends.” I said and she followed me to the guys who stood on the sidewalk.

“Guys, this is Rebecca, Rebecca, this is Timmy and Tommy Timmons,” they spat on the ground. “Mike ‘Squints’ Palledorous, *spit* Allan Mclannen, we call him yeah-yeah, *spit*, Bertram Grover Weeks, *spit* Kenny DeNunez, *spit* Scott Smalls, *spit* Benny Rodriguez, *spit* and Hamilton Porter, we call him Ham.” And Ham spat on the ground as well.
“I’m Diana Atlas.” I too, spat on the ground.
“And I’m Rebecca Fallow.” She spat on the ground. The ground was now full of saliva, but the boys nodded, impressed. She was definitely going to fit in.

Alright first chapter in!

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