11: happy

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After school we went to the Sandlot and played as we always did. Daniel didn't come though, I don't know why. After, we just sat in the dugout for a little while because we were all tired.

We went home, this repeated itself for the school week. On Saturday, we went to the Sandlot at 8, like in the summer. It was afternoon and we took a break.

Then, Daniel came ruining into the Sandlot, shirtless, wearing swimming shorts. He stopped in front of us and caught his breath.

"Damn, Danny, so many girl were running after you?" I joked and the others laughed.

"I got kicked out of the public pool." He answered.

"Welcome to the club!" Ham clapped.

"What did you do for that?" Smalls asked.

"Well, first, I stolen Phillips' clothes. He ran after me and I pushed him in the pool."

"That's all you did?" he nodded. "Wow, I guess they lowered the punishments after us." I said, laughing.

"But I gotta go back there." He said seriously. We all have him a 'Why?' face.

"My headband is still in there."

"What are you, a girl?" Ham joked.

"I got it from my sensei in California." He explained.

"What's a sensei?" Smalls asked. We looked at him in disbelief.

"You're killing me Smalls!" Ham shouted.

"It's like a teacher, but in karate." Bertram explained. Daniel nodded.

"It was really important to me and I have to get it back." He said.

"Okay, we'll get it back." I reassured.

"How? We're banned for forever remember?" Kenny questioned.

"I have a plan." I said. And started to explain what we were going to do.

That night, we had all we needed and went to the pool, all dressed in black for disguise. Squints was on the lookout, me and the others preparing to go in. When Squints told us the coast was clear we started climbing.

Daniel first, then me, Benny and so on. We were all in and started looking for the headband.

"Guys, it's over here!" Yeah-yeah called.

We went over, he stood with his back against the wall of the security and lifeguard building and pointed to the desk. The headband was sitting in a lost and found box. But there was a guard.

I turned to the others. "Okay, we need a distraction. Everyone get behind the building and Benny, take your baseball." They did as I said. Benny took out the baseball from his pocket.

I told him to throw it against the fence on the opposite side of where we were and I went to hide. When I was covered, he threw the ball against the fence and ran to us.

We heard the door open and I peaked around the corner. The others did too. The guard looked at the ball a few feet away and went to pick it up.

I waved to Smalls to get the headband and for Yeah-yeah to cover him. I grabbed Benny's hand and pulled him close to the fence where we got in. The others followed and we waited for Smalls to come back out.

I saw the guard turn around and start walking back to the building. I decided to make a distraction by banging myself into the fence. He heard it and turned out way.

"Hey! Come here!" he started running toward us. I started running away and climbed the fence as quick as possible. The others were climbing next to me.

We were all out but Ham's foot got stuck. I climbed up and leaned over and grabbed his arm, pulling it up. He ended up getting over and we started running away. I looked dover and saw Smalls and Yeah-yeah running in the other side.

The guard came out and chased us, but got tired and stopped. We were laughing and Smalls and Yeah-yeah caught up to us.

Me and Benny were now in the back laughing the whole time. He stopped me and I turned to him.

"Oh my god, Diana, that was amazing!"

"Thanks, Benny, you were pretty great too." I replied.

"Diana, I love you." He blurted out and I just smiled.

"I love you too, Benny." I said and gave him a passionate kiss. He smiled into the kiss which made me go deeper.

"Stop smooching lovebirds, let's get out of here!" I heard Kenny yell and we ran back to them, hand in hand.

We ran in the streets, just a bunch of kids, enjoying each other's company. And I felt safe. My hand holding my best friend, surrounded by my favorite people in the world.

Nothing could beat this feeling, I was with my best friends and I was happy, happier than I'd ever been.

That's the end! Sorry I have no idea what to write but I think it ended ok.
I'll see you guys around.

And remember, heroes get remembered, but legends never die.
Follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong.
-George 'babe' Ruth

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