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We found out she came from Canada. Moved here cause her parents divorced. Mindy thinks it’s her fault, that’s why she acts so shitty against her. I thought first that the boys were gonna treat her differently, her being a girl and all. But I guess with me as a best friend, they thought otherwise than to judge her by her gender.

She knows little about baseball, but plays with us anyway. Me and Benny have tried to teach her how to bat, but she sticks to catching and throwing.

One day we were at the Sandlot, sweating our butts off. Finally Squints and Yeah-Yeah came with the ball.

“Where were you guys, we’ve been waiting forever already.” Benny complained.
“Squints was pervin’ a dish.” Yeah-Yeah replied.
“Was not!” Squints fought back.
“Yeah yeah you were. Your as swooning. Oh Wendy Peffercorn, my lover girl.” Yeah-Yeah said weirdly.
“Shut up! I have a lot of things on my mind.”
“Who’s Wendy?” Rebecca asked.
“It’s this chick Squints’ obsessed over.” Kenny replies
“She’s wayy too old for him.” I added.
“This pop isn’t working Benny.” Ham complained.
“It’s 150 degrees outside. You can’t play baseball.” Squints said. Everyone agreed, but I just rested my head back.
“What do you think Diana.” Everyone looked at me. Every time something was undecided, I had to clear things up.
“It is really hot Benny. A one day break doesn’t really matter.” I tested my head back again.
“Fine, fine, fine. Be like that. What are we gonna do then.”
Yeah-Yeah looked at everyone and I knew what was coming. The boys all yelled “Scam pool honeys!” and I mouthed the words with them jokingly.
“what?” Rebecca asked.
“Just meet us at the public pool in 10. Get a swimsuit on.” I stood up.
“What about you?”
“I already have mine on.”

After ten minutes we were at the pool. I saw Rebecca’s sister, Mindy, tanning with other girls. Ham walked past them, winking and flirting. I walked over to him
“Ham that’s Rebecca’s sister.” “So what, she’s still hot.” He replied. I laughed and pushed him in the pool, water splashing on the girls. Mindy got up.
“I’m gonna get you!” she yelled at me, but I jumped in before she could do anything. Mindy and I haven’t been on best terms. She thinks I dress weird just because it’s not pink or a dress. Bullshit.

We played around and I saw Rebecca in her clothes, standing somewhat awkwardly. I swam over.
“Rebecca get in!”
“But I don’t look good.”
“Bullshit.” She just shook her head. I sighed and got out.
“You have an amazing body. “ “No I don’t.” “that’s not what the boys would think. They swoon over basically any girl. Especially someone that looks like you.” It took a while, but she finally took off her clothes and showed her swimsuit.
“Dude, what were you worried about? You look great!” I said, looking her up and down.

We jumped in and I snapped the boys back to reality after them looking at her. Suddenly Benny picked me up and threw me back in the water. I pushed him under and we fought for a while. We stopped when the others were huddled up, looking at the lifeguard.
“That’s Wendy? She looks like my sister.” Rebecca said. There was a resemblance. They both had blond hair, light skin and the same body type and good looking. She was putting on sunscreen.
“Aw man.” Benny said.
“She don’t know what she’s doing.” Timmy said and Tommy repeated.
“yeah she does. She knows exactly what she’s doing.” Benny said. For some reason I felt a little jealous. I don’t know why, but it did, and I wasn’t feeling good about it.
“I’ve been here every summer of my adult life. And there she is. Oiling and lotioning. Oiling and lotioning. I can’t take it no more!” Squints said and he got out.

“What the hell’s he doing?” Ham asked. Squints stood on the plank at the deep end.
“I don’t know but that’s the deep end and Squints’ can’t swim!” Yeah-Yeah said. Then, Squints’ jumped into the water.
“Shit!” I yelled and we swam out. I ran ahead to the deep end and Wendy got Squints out of the water. She started doing CPR on him while we waited.

“Come on Squints.”
“Yeah yeah he looks pretty crappy.”
“God he looks like a dead fish.”
“Damn Squints you’re an idiot.” I said.
Then, Squints’ opened his eyes and grinned at us. We were all confused but Wendy didn’t notice. She did mouth to mouth again and this time Squintsngrabbed the back of her head and kissed her. I covered Tommy’s eyes. Wendy pulled back.
“You little pervert!” She screamed.
“Oh man he’s in deep shit.” Timmy said. Wendy pulled him up and dragged him out and we followed them.

“And stay out!” she yelled. I realized Rebecca wasn’t with us so I turned around. I saw her still behind the fence. I gestured her to come over, but she just turned away.
Benny grabbed my arm and pulled me back, I didn’t fight back and ran with them. Why didn’t Rebecca come with us?

We were banned from the pool, Rebecca wasn’t. We all congratulated Squints on his success and we all had a little more respect for him since.

Part 2 yessir

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