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When it was almost 1 am, I started to leave to go home again. I opened the window and climbed out, saying goodbye to Benny. But he stopped me. I turned back to him while I was in the roof. He stuck his head out the window and softly pulled my chin towards himself.

And kissed me. It was my first kiss ever, and it was with my best friend, on the roof of his house. It was a soft one, but more than enough. We pulled away and I smiled before jumping off his roof and walking back to my house.

I felt really happy. Happier than I'd ever been. Except for that time I broke my bat and the boys got me a new one for my birthday.

Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez kissed me. He could've kissed any girl, but he kissed me.

I slept great that night and got up as if I hadn't even been sleeping. I put on some jeans, a shirt, some converse, a hat and a flannel. I took my bat and glove and went downstairs, grabbed an apple and went outside, saying goodbye to my mom first.

Benny stood at his house, hands in his pockets, waiting. He walked over and took my hand. We went to the Sandlot, still hand in hand and no one was there yet, so we just sat in the dugout, waiting.

"Should we tell them now?" he asked.

"I don't know. I mean, it would spoil the fun, wouldn't it?" I leaned closer to him.

"I guess your right." He leaned too but then we heard yelling and our heads turned.

We saw the boys walking towards us, yelling. I don't know about what, but when they got closer, the conversation stopped.

They were mad at each other though. Bertram, Tommy, Yeah-yeah and Smalls were sitting on one side and Kenny, Timmy, Squints and Ham on the other.

They were sending mad looks to each other and sometimes muttering insults.

Me and Benny looked at each other in confusion.

"Okay, what happened?" I asked, turning my head towards each of them.

They all started talking at once and it was chaos. Kenny and Bertram started fighting, real fighting.

I pulled away Kenny and Benny took care of Bertram.

"Stop! Guys, Jesus, what's going on?" I asked.

"They're all idiots!" Kenny yelled and tried to fight away from my grip, but I just pulled him away again.

"Why are they idiots?" I asked after they calmed down a bit. God I kinda sound like my mom.

"They told us-" Kenny interrupted him.

"Let them say it."

I turned around to see Benny standing with the others.

"We told you we could easily beat you at baseball." Yeah-yeah said.

"And then we told you, none of you are even good at batting!" Timmy yelled back.

"Yeah well now we have Benny." Tommy said and pulled Benny to the group. He looked confused and tried to say something, but Timmy cut him off.

"And we have Diana," he pulled me towards him "and you're going down."

I didn't protest. This would be fun, a battle to see whose the best. I crossed my arms and smirked at Benny.

He saw what I did. "Oh you're on Atlas."

"Let's see who wins Rodriguez."

We walked away. First it was their turn. I stood in Center field. Smalls was first up. Ham distracted him with his strategy, but he only got one strike. He got to second base.

Bertram was next. He got to first, and Smalls was home. Timmy was next, he wasn't fast enough though. Sucks to have little feet. He was the youngest.

Now was Yeah-yeah. He got to third. Benny was up last, I knew he wasn't affected by Ham's words, but I knew what would distract him. I made sure to get eye contact with him.

"Strike one!" now I only had to do this two more times.

"Strike two!" yes. Everyone from his team were confused.

He looked away from me. Shit. He hit the ball and it went behind me. I grabbed it and aimed for Kenny. I threw it as far as I could. It landed right in his glove. Benny was right next to him.


No. Benny got a home run. Now we have to get everyone home and a home run.

They took their positions and I sat in the dugout. Ham was first.

"Come on McLannen give me your stuff."

"If you call me that one more time I'll throw this in your face!" Yeah-yeah said back and lifted the ball.

"sure, sure Allan." Ham said back. Yeah-yeah looked really pissed off. No one called him Allan.

He pitched the ball which Ham hit. He started running to second base.

Squints was next. He did a pose the babe did and hit the ball. He sent Ham home and got to third base.

Now it was Timmy's turn. He got to second. Then Kenny to third. Now it was my turn.

I picked up my bat, the one the guys got me for my birthday and walked up to the plate.

"I bet you 50 cents you can't hit a homer." Yeah-yeah, who was the pitcher, said.

"I'll bet you 5 bucks I can." I challenged. He nodded in response.

He was getting ready to pitch. I have to get this homer. One, because I'll get 5 dollars from Yeah-yeah, and two, because I can make Benny feel bad about losing.

He threw the ball and I swung my bat just in time. I didn't run yet, I just watched the ball soar through the sky and behind the fence.

The other team groaned and threw their gloves to the ground. I just ran from first to second base, and then to third, and then home, where my team was giving me high fives.

"Pay up, hotshot." I put my hand out to Yeah-yeah.

He sighed, but reached into his pocket and gave me 5 dollars.

I stuffed it into my pocket and we sat back in the dugout. Benny sat next to me and whispered something in my ear.

"You did well." I just laughed.

"Of course I did." I whispered back. He kissed my cheek.

The guys didn't see, thank God. They were talking to each other about some stuff.

Get him girl

Sandlot duo-Benny Rodriguez-the SandlotWhere stories live. Discover now