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I got everything I needed and waited for Benny outside. I had my back to his house and suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist and he kiss my neck softly.

“Come on Benny. It’s our last camp out, let’s go.” I pulled his arm and he followed, kissing me a few times.

We walked to Timmy and Tommy’s house where the treehouse was. “Hey lovebirds.” Daniel teased when we climbed up. I punched him and then got to the place where I always slept. Benny sat down next to me and we watched Ham make s’mores for everyone. I played with his bat, swing it around a few times and accidentally hit Benny’s head.
“Ow!” he exclaimed.
“Sorry, sorry.” I apologized, stroking the place I hit.

I gave it a little kiss and then put away the bat. We played a game of poker, betting on Cheetos.
Tommy won, which surprised us all. I didn’t even knew he knew the rules of poker. He got an entire bucket of Cheetos and kept it to himself, like any of us would.

“Okay, so, Russ, you gotta know some things before going to school.” Kenny said and we joined the conversation.
“First of all, stay away from Phillips. He’s our enemy, and Rebecca too, she’s a traitor.” Kenny started.
“And her sister Mindy, total brat. She hot, but a total brat.” Ham added.
“Since you’re handsome, some girls will like you, but don’t get distracted from what’s most important.” Squints said.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Us, of course.” I said.
“Just don’t turn into someone like Phillips.” Bertram said.
“Noted.” Was all he said. We left the subject at that and went on and talked about other stuff.

None of us wanted to go to sleep since we would waste the little time we had left. (I make it sound like they’re dying haha, they are in a way I guess)
But when it was getting really late, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I tried as hard as I could to stay awake, but ended up falling asleep, everyone else still awake, I think.

Benny’s pov

I saw Diana peacefully asleep next to me, her head in the pillow. I leaned over and kissed her forehead before going to talked with the others.
“You love her, don’t you?” Daniel asked, glancing over at Diana.
“I think I do.” Answered quietly, not wanting to wake her up.
“I know you do.” Kenny was behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Yeah yeah, have you told her you love her?” Yeah-yeah asked.
“Not yet, really. Should I?” I knew the answer right after I asked.
“Yes!” they whisper yelled.
“Well, should I just tell her?”
“Well you got to pick the right moment Benny man.” Kenny replied.
“You’ll know when.” Daniel patted my back. “Well I’m going to sleep.” He added.
The others agreed and went to their sleeping bags and almost instantly fell asleep.
I went over to Diana and put my arm around her, stroking her soft hair. She moved around in her sleep and ended up put her arm around my stomach. I pecked her cheek on more time before falling asleep with her in my arms.
I love this girl.

Diana’s pov

I woke up, with a good sleep. The amount of sleep I got did feel suspicious, but I relaxed when I saw the others sleeping in the tree house. My arm was around Benny and his around me. I looked up and saw him.

He was cute when he slept. His pink lips slightly open, his eyes closed, hiding those pretty hazel eyes.
I started stroking his hair and after a few minutes, Kenny woke up.
“Hey Diana.” He said in a sleepy voice.
“Hey DeNunez.” I replied.
“Wanna go up to the roof?” he suggested. “Sure.” I replied.
I quietly and slowly got out of Benny hold and stepped over the guys’ legs and body’s to get outside. Kenny was already up and watching the sky. I climbed up and sat next to him. The sky was light, but there no sun yet.

I love watching the sunset. It must be really early. Me and Kenny just sat there in a comfortable silence. He was probably one of my closest friends of the group. He’s my age, and we just always got along.
“You excited for school?” I asked him, trying to find something to talk about.
“Girl, you serious?” he looked at me. “Nah, of course not. It’s school.” He put a disgusted shrug at the word ‘school’ and I laughed.
“Man, nothing can top this summer.” I sighed.
“Yeah, I know.” He replied.
“First we almost get killed by a dog, then we make a new enemy,” I summed up. He laughed at it.

“But we did get Smalls.” He added. “We did get Smalls.” I repeated.
Squints popped his head out under our feet. “Hey guys.” We looked down.
“What’s up Squints, come on up, the sun isn’t here yet.” I said. He climbed up and sat next to Kenny.

A few minutes later, Yeah-yeah came and sat next to Squints. Then Ham came and sat next to me. Benny came out, but didn’t climb up, he just stood on the balcony, watching as well. Daniel stood next to him. Tommy climbed up next to Ham, but Timmy stayed on the balcony.

After a while we all got bored of watching and just lay  on our backs. A few minutes later though, Benny touched my foot and I got up. I saw the sun rise from the horizon and shook Kenny and Ham up, they did the same to the others.
We all watched, mesmerized by the colors in the sky. “This is the last sunrise of the best summer ever, guys.” Ham said.
“Thanks for reminding us Ham.” I whispered.
“Sure thing, Diane.” He whispered back with made me chuckle. They called me this more now cause of Daniel.

I looked at Benny, who was watching the sunset, he turned around and smiled at me, I felt warm inside and just wanted to hug him. I smiled back and he turned around again and kept watching.
I think I love him. I know I love him.

Benny’s pov
When I turned around I saw her looking at me. I smiled and she smiled back, her beautiful smile and I couldn’t help but warm all up inside.
God, I love her.

Benny just tell her

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