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Diana’s pov

First day of school. I groaned when my alarm went off. It was 8 am. School started at 9:00. I stayed in my bed for a few minutes and then fell off. I stood up, still tired and slouched my way over to the bathroom.

I went back to my room and grabbed clothes from my floor and put them on. Jeans, a white shirt and a and a gray flannel. I put on my hat, took my backpack and stuffed my glove in it. I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal.

“Good morning Diane.” “Morning aunt Marisa.” I replied.

“Where’s mom?”

“She owns a shop remember?” she said. “Right.” My mom owned a coffee shop not so far from here. I’d forgotten about it.

Daniel came down and ate something quick before leaving again. He biked to school while me and the others took the bus.

After I finished my breakfast I brushed my teeth and went outside. It was 8:20 am. I walked to the bus stop and a few kids were already there, including Smalls.

Ham, Bertram and Yeah-yeah walked over a few minutes later. Everyone was here, except for Squints. At 8:35 the school bus came and we were still waiting for him. The driver told us to get on, so one by one, we did.or

Right as I was getting on, I heard Squints yell. “Wait for me!” I laughed as he ran over and get on. We sat in the back, playing catch, while the bus stopped a few times to pick up other kids.

10 minutes later, we arrived in school. We were the last ones to get off, but I spotted Daniel almost instantly. He stood in the parking lot, leaning against his bike. We walked over to him and went inside together.

Daniel had to go to the administrator’s office to get his schedule and stuff. He said it would take a while so me, Benny, Bertram, Kenny, and Ham were waiting for the bell at our lockers. The others went to the middle school wing.

Me and Kenny had history first, Benny was with Ham in biology, and Bertram had English. When the bell ring, I kissed Benny quick and we went our separate ways.

Me and Kenny sat next to each other. Our history teacher was named Mr. Vermont. He had a beard and was chubby. He likes rock music and has one kid and two dogs.

We had to introduce ourselves and midway, Daniel came in.

“Is this history?” he asked the teacher.

“Yes it is. I’m your teacher Mr. Vermont.” He shook his hand.

“Daniel LaRusso.” He replied. I looked  around and saw all the girls, except for me, look at him.

“You can sit behind miss Atlas. He pointed to me and I mentally celebrated. I don’t think the teacher knew he was my cousin.

Me and Kenny gave him a fist bump and talked to him. “You know every girl here was looking at you right?” I said more in a statement than a question.

“Yeah, it was weird.” Kenny added.

“Guys, in the back, pay attention, please.” Mr. Vermont said and we turned around.

Everyone introduced themselves and talked about our summer. When it was my and Kenny’s turn, some already knew about it.

“Didn’t you guys like almost die or something?” someone asked.

“Well that’s an interesting subject. Would you like to explain.” Mr. Vermont asked us.

Me and Kenny took turns explaining our crazy summer. Everyone was looking at us and paying attention as if we were celebrities.

“Wow, that’s so cool.” Some guys said. The bell rang and we were dismissed. My next class was Chemistry without any of the boys.

Summer, a girl I was familiar with, sat next to me. She had strawberry blond hair and she wasn’t one of those snobby girls. She was cool and athletic, but still wore makeup and dresses.

The same thing happened. We introduce ourselves and talk about our summer. And again, I had to explain everything.

We had a 10 minute break before our next class so we just sat in the hallway. My next class was with Benny, Ham and Bertram. Social studies. Daniel was with Kenny again in foreign languages.

Me and Benny sat next to each other, Bertram and Ham the desks next to us. We sat in the back which was always the best place.

The teacher came in. Mrs. Sonny. We had her last year too. She’s a nice teacher. Except to us. She hates us. Why did we have to get her?

“Hello students, for those who don’t know me, my name is Mrs. Sonny. I will be your social studies teacher this year.”

Me, Benny and Bertram kept looking down, not wanting her to see us. I hid my face with my hat, which was a mistake, she recognized this hat.

“Ah, miss Atlas. Fun to have your again this year.” I looked up and put the hat away. “Fun to be here, Mrs. Donny.” I replied.

“Don’t try to suck up to me, Atlas.” She said sternly. Benny snickered and I just punched him.

“Is something funny Mr. Rodriguez?” he looked up as well. “N-no, nothing ma’am.” He  stuttered.

She continued talking to the class and I snickered at Benny, getting a glare from him. This year is going to be great. I though sarcastically.

When lunch came, we left class and looked for the others. We saw everyone already sitting at the table while we got our food.

“How was your morning?” Smalls asked.

“Ugh, terrible.” I answered.

“We have Mrs. Sonny for social studies. She sucks.” Bertram answered.

“How about you?” Benny asked him.

“Boring.” Yeah-yeah answered.

“Like always.” Squints added.


School sucks

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