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The next week went by smoothly, but sometimes when Benny looked at me, or smiled at me, I couldn’t help but feel all warm inside. Shit. We were playing and then we saw Phillips bike over with his gang. We walked over to them.

“What’re you doing here Phillips?” I asked.
“Calm down babe.” He defended.
“Her name is Diana, not babe.” Benny said back and stepped next to me.
“I just wanted to thank you for the new teammate.” He said.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

Then she walked from behind them. Rebecca. But she looked different. She wore a red skirt and a shirt that was too short for her and a tigers jersey. And her hair was streaked with blond. What the heck?

“Rebecca is that you?” I heard Ham say.
“Yeah loser. It’s me.”
“You look different.” Smalls said.
“And I hate it.” Kenny added. I agreed with him and I’m sure the others did too.
“Well you don’t get to DeNunez!” she snapped back.
“What happened?” I asked slowly.
“I realized that hanging out with you losers was keeping me back from who I really was.” God, she's different.

“A snobby chick manipulated by an asshole?” Ham said.
“What’d you say?” Phillips scoffed.
“You heard me.” Ham replied.
“You’ll hear from me Porter.”
“I’m sure I will.” He said back. They biked away, but first Rebecca looked at me like I was her nemesis.

Everyone was shocked after seeing Rebecca. Especially with Phillips and how she’s changed. I took on my mom’s idea to change the subject and lighten up the mood.

“You guys wanna stay at my house tonight?”
“Yeah, awesome!” “Definitely!” “For sure!” “Bitchin’” after everyone agreed, we went home to get our stuff. I stopped at the supermarket to get snacks and drinks. Ham was bringing the s’mores stuff so I didn’t have to buy that.

Benny came first, then Smalls. They lived closest to me, so it’s obvious. Timmy and Tommy came next, then Squints, Ham, Bertram, Kenny, and lastly, Yeah-Yeah.

And when Benny came first, of course aunt Marisa had to tease me about it. We were in my attic. The best room in the house. No one except for me or the boys hung out there. It had a tv, baseball posters, bean bags, a fridge… we either hung out at the Sandlot, the tree house, or here.

We roasted some marshmallows, ate other unhealthy stuff, played around and talked a lot. We hadn’t done this in a while and I really enjoyed it.

“Guys I brought our favorite…” Bertram said, reaching into his bag and pulled out a VHS tape. We saw the cover and looked at each other.
‘THE GOONIES!” We all yelled at once. (Again, pretend it came out at this time) It was our favorite movie because it reminded us of us. Bertram put it on and we all got comfortable. I sat on a bean bag in the back and Benny came over after a while and sat next to me.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I hesitantly rested my head on his shoulder. He made me warm and I had that feeling again. We were all yelling and screaming when they were running away from the bad guys. Popcorn was flying everywhere and it became messy real quick.

When the action subsided, the movie was almost over and it was midnight. Right as the movie ended I saw all the boys were asleep. Smalls was on top of Ham, Yeah-Yeah had Squints’ head in his lap and his head was leaning on Kenny’s shoulder, who’s head was resting on Bertram’s. And Timmy and Tommy were both spread across the floor. How was that even comfortable?

Oh and Benny. Benny’s head was rested on my shoulder, his lips slightly parted. He looked adorable when he slept and I wanted to kiss him so bad. Hold up. Did I just think that? Damn. I was tired too, so I put my arm around him and rested my head on his and drifted off to sleep.

oh. Something's happening...
I used a mighty ducks reference haha sorry

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