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That evening, Benny invited me over for dinner. Of course I accepted. Afterwards, we went up to his room. We watched an old game from a few years ago. The dodgers against the Yankees. Dodgers won. We talked more about baseball, school, baseball…
We were laying on the floor, doing nothing.
“Are you my girlfriend?” Benny suddenly asked.
“I think so… right?” I responded. Turning to him on my elbow with my head in my hand.
“Well do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” He then surprised me by standing and pulling me up. He pushed me so I sat on his bed and started kissing me.
It was a passionate kiss. I leaned in more and started stroking his fluffy hair. He pushed me down so he was on top of me. I grabbed his neck and his hand was on my waist and my head. I hadn’t even kissed anyone until last night and now I was making out with my best friend on his bed.
It was unbelievable, I loved it and we were just laying there, kissing for what felt like ages. He finally broke the kiss after I couldn’t breathe anymore.
“Wow.” I whispered and pecked his lips one time.
“I can’t believe I did that.” He whispered, he was still on top of me.
“I’m glad you did.” I kissed him again, but this time, we heard his dad yell from downstairs.
“You guys want ice cream?” I laughed at this.
“Sure dad!” Benny yelled back. “What?” he asked when he saw me laughing.
“Nothing.” I pecked his lips while still laughing and we went downstairs and got the ice cream.
I had to leave after, but Benny gave me a kiss when no one was around. I walked to my house. Aunt Marisa and my mom were sitting in the kitchen, eating cheesecake, another family recipe. (Also true ;))
“Ooh, cheesecake!” I said excitingly and grabbed a fork and started eating.
“What’d you do at Benny’s?” my mom asked.
“Watched a game together and talked.” I was still eating.
“You didn’t do anything more?” my aunt asked and nudged me with her elbow.
“No, we didn’t.” my mom was looking at us confused again.
“What is it with you two?”
We both looked at her. “What?” we said at the same time.
“You’ve been having a thing going on. She says something about Benny,” she pointed at Marisa, “and you always look at her like you’re about to stab her.” She pointed at me.
“I don’t see your point, Ma, I always look at people like I’m about to stab them.” I answered. Marisa just snickered at this but stopped when she saw her big sister glance at her.
Then it was my turn to snicker, receiving a punch in the arm.
“Diana, what’s going on?”
“Yeah, Diana, we’re really worried about you.” Marisa says, pretending to be serious.
“Nothing’s going on.”
“Really?” “Yes, really.” “Okay then, don’t tell me.” She grabbed her plate and put it in the dishwasher. I cleaned up and went to my room.
A few minutes later I heard a knock, it was my aunt. She came to sit on my bed next to where I lay.
“I know about you and Benny.” “I saw him kiss you right before you left.”
“Mmhh.” I mumbled.
“Okay.” She said and pulled me up.
“When did it happen?” she was all excited suddenly.
“Two days ago, but I started to like him a few weeks ago.” I rethought that. “well, I guess I’ve liked him for a while, but only realized it now.”
She was just nodding.
“Do the boys know?”
“No. But after I was cuddling with him at the sleepover I think they suspect it.”
“You what?!” she was on her feet.
“That’s why they were acting so weird! I’m happy for you Diane.” She hugged me and I just gave her a pat on the back. She’s the only person the calls me Diane, I guess it goes better with her accent.
I have a lot of people I love, but my aunt was probably one of my favorite people in the world.

I love aunt Marisa

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