Interview- Olivia Colman

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✨Italic writing- Olivia
Bold writing- You and your 24 not 16 this time✨
You and Olivia were getting ready for an interview on the Graham Norton show for a new movie you are both staring in.
You were just finishing off your makeup
You really are a wonder arn't you darling
Aw thank you honey
You give Olivia a kiss on the lips
Right you ready to go?
You and Olivia get in the limo and you start shaking really badly
Hey hey hey what's up darling is there something on your mind?
I'm scared I'm really scared I've never done an interview before
Look at me
You look into her eyes
I will be sitting right next to you the full time and I'll be holding you hand okay you don't need to answer any questions that you don't want to answer okay he won't make you okay I love you sweetheart
You start tearing up
Awww Collie thank you I love you too
You nerves start to slowly fade away. You are still half an hour away so you decide to relax into Olivia for a bit and you lay your head on her chest and she wraps her arms around your waist.
You feeling any better angel?
Yes much better thank you
Anytime I'm always here when you need me
Olivia starts to massage your neck where your tense because she knows your still a bit nervous she always knows
You feel all your tension fall as she sooths her warms hands on the back of your neck and you moan slightly
Does that feel good?
Mmm yes thank you Collie
She chuckles slightly at your response
You hear the driver tell you your at your stop and you feel the nerves rise back up as you and Olivia both step out the limo
Right sweetheart you remember your queue? You don't have to answer any questions your not comfortable answering and hold my hand anytime you need to. Got it?
Got it
Good girl
You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous. Olivia's pep talk was very comforting but you were still so scared and you couldn't get your hands to stop terribly shaking and Olivia noticed this as held your hand and squeezed to show comfort
(I'm gonna have Graham in bold italics)
Let's welcome the happy couple Olivia Colman and Y/n Y/l/n onto the stage
The crowd clapped as you and Olivia went onto the stage and sat next go eachother on an orange sofa
Welcome ladies I hope you are both doing okay
Well I'm doing fine but this little one over here is very nervous
Olivia holds your shaking hands and holds them in her warm ones
Aww don't worry y/n I'll keep the personal question with Olivia and you can ask the ones about the movie
The mix of Graham's words and Olivia's warm hands, your nerves flew away and your hands stopped shaking so much
Olivia gave you a sweet smile as she felt your hands relax in hers as she kept a hold of them
Thank you Graham
No problem, so y/n what is this movie called and who are you both playing I want to get an idea
Ok so the movie is called Soulmates scar and I play Cheryl Holders and Olivia plays Rose Smith and its about  when a child is born your get a scar with a shape on it and your soulmate will get the same shape on their wrist and your have 20 years to find your soulmate or you die.
Sounds good I can't wait to watch it so let me guess Cheryl and Rose are soulmates?
Yes thats correct
Great, so Olivia how are you two getting along at home?
Everything is going perfectly and our relationship is fantastic I love her to the moon and back and I can't wait to marry her
She gives you one of her sweet smiles saying I mean it
Well I'm glad to hear that
You both finish the interview and it went great and everything was going great then we see Helena when we came out of the limo back home
(Helena is also gonna be in bold italics)
Hey Olivia, y/n I just came to pop round but you weren't in
Oh sorry Hellie we were at an interview
Oh how did it go?
It went great here come in come its cold our here
You all go inside and Olivia make you all a cup of tea
Honey I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable this dress is hurting me
Okay sweetheart bring your tea it will get cold
You go upstairs to get changed and wipe off your makeup and hear Olivia and Helena talking when you get a text from your best friend
Hey how did the interview go
It went great how are you we haven't spoke in a while?
Oh yeah I'm fine I was just wondering if I could pop round to your apartment later for a catchup?
Oh I don't live there anymore I sold it and I'm living with Olivia now
Oh how is your relationship with her going?
It's amazing I really love her she looks after me and she even said in the interview that she wants to marry me
Aw that's so cute well is it okay if I come round during the week?
Ye that's fine we can go to our favourite cafe at the weekend
Ok great is Saturday okay?
(Pretend it's Thursday today)
Yeah sound great see you then
Okay bye
You put your phone down and finish wiping off your makeup when suddenly you start coughing and go get a tissue.
There is blood all over the tissue and you start feeling dizzy at the sight.
You through the tissue in the bin and go back to Olivia and Helena
You okay honey I heard you coughing
Ye I'm fine
Y/n you look very faint and pale are sure your okay
Ye Helena I'm fine
Suddenly everything goes black and almost collapses onto the floor but Olivia catches you and carries you into yours and her room and lays you on the bed
Call me when u wake up little one
Olivia goes back downstairs
Oh my gosh is she okay?
Yeah she will be okay but if she doesn't wake up in an hour I'm calling an ambulance.
Luckily you woke up and snuggled into Olivia
There you are
Boo I'm okay
That was enough for today you have your Collie and that was all that mattered.

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