Im sorry- Eva Green

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✨Italic writing- Eva
Bold writing- You✨
⚠️smut, language, mention of rape⚠️
You woke up on a park bench in the city of London as it pored with rain
You didn't have coat or an umbrella you were just in a jumper and jeans
You and Eva had, had an argument, what happened was Eva was drinking at a bar the night before and came home absolutely drunk out of her mind and very horny, you were not at all in the mood for sex and just wanted to get her sobered up and cuddle in bed but instead she came in, grabbed your arm, pushed you against the wall and fucked you
You were horrified and even scared of her, she has been drunk before in past but never was she this bad that she just fucked you without consent
So basically you had a go at her and she argued back saying you were boring and never hardly wanted sex blah blah blah so you just left and never came back that night, you slept on a park bench and that's where you woke up and begin this story
The rain was heavy and you were freezing, shivering, sneezing and coughing and your face was bright red
You walked around for a bit while crying, sneezing and coughing all at the same time
You wanted your girlfriend back but you just didn't have the courage to go back home, so you just stayed out in the freezing cold rain instead
Eva's pov
I woke up in bed and went to cuddle my beautiful girlfriend but instead my arm found its way onto the cold side of the bed
Where was she?
Then it hit me, last night I was such a bitch, I basically raped her, poor girl how could I be so disgusting
I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror
I had mascara down my face and red lipstick all over my chin
I looked and felt horrible so I washed my face, got dressed and went downstairs to see if y/n was anywhere to be seen
Nothing, she wasn't here, she must have ran away
Darling, just come home
I whispered to myself with sorry for her
I had to find her, I know apologising will never make up for the vile things I did to her the night before so I'm going to spoil her and bought her some red balloons and her favourite chocolate and bring her home
My weather app said yesterday that it was going to be sunny yesterday so atleast it was warm last night I thought to myself, but boy was I wrong
It was heavily raining all last night and currently now aswell, I really am I terrible person
I searched for her all over but just couldn't find her, I had bought her the things but I just needed to find her so I put all the gifts in my car boot and decided it would be best to drive around to find her
Your pov
I hid under a tree at the park and just sat there shaking and I felt like I was going to pass out
I saw a familiar looking car in the distance and I moved my soaking wet hair from my face and saw it was Eva's car, she came to find me
I wanted to get up and run away because I still didn't want to forgive her but I just didn't have the energy after all that walking around
She got out of her car and walked over to me
Princess there you are, look at you your shaking like a leaf and your face is bright red get in the car
No, I think I'd rather stay here than talk to you thanks
Darling, my darling I know you don't want to forgive me but I would rather that then you get sick out here
Why don't you push me up against this tree and give me an orgasm, oh right yeah, ANOTHER ONE
I could see her face drop and her eyes fill with tears of regret
I know that sounded harsh but what she did to me last night before I left, was fucking harsh
Darling, you have every fucking right to say that to me, I'm I right nasty bitch I can't even look myself in the eye but please don't risk getting sick because of me
Who said this was about you?
Eva's pov
I know she isn't going to like this but I picked her up as she was trying to get out of my arms and buckled her in the front seat of my car
OKAY, okay, just listen to me, I messed up and being drunk is no excuse at all but I'm so sorry, I will never drink again and I'm so disgusted in myself and I completely understand if you want to break up with me but I bought you balloons and your favourite chocolate
Hmmm, no I don't want to EVER break up with you and I do love chocolate sooo, I guess you have my apology
Yay, I'm so happy and I promise it will NEVER happen again okay now let's go watch some movies at home
Your pov
We were a team again and I will never loose her again, I love her and she loves me and we are gonna be together forever until the end.

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