Girlfriends- Emma Stone

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✨Bold writing- You
Italic writing- Emma
Bold and italic- Anyone else✨

You and Emma have been best friends since you were babies and ever since then, you've never been apart from eachother
You told eachother everything and I mean everything, apart from one little secret you couldn't dare reveal
You have had a crush on her for 6 years and you knew no matter what happens, your feelings for her will never go and will never die down
You tried your hardest to get through each day having to live with her and you had to try not show any blushing when she hugs you or giggles or something, try not to stare to much knowing you will get caught
There's so many things that she does that sets you off and you just can't help it
You were both in separate rooms, her in her room and you in her guest room untill you hear a knock on the door
Can I come in honey?
Oh the pet names do not help
Yeah come in
You see her open the door and sit on the edge of your bed, takes you phone and pops it on the bedside table
Can I help you?
Honey come on, we have been best friends forever now we were basically in the trenches together
You giggled at that
Why don't we sleep in the same room?
Because, you only have the one bed
So? I don't mind you sleeping with me, cooooome oooooon
She started whining
Fineeee, I'll sleep with you tonight
No I want to always sleep with you, it's boring when your not there like what am I supposed to do
Oh go on then I'll move in with you
YAY! Ok come on let's just have a day in bed I can't be assed to do anything or even get dressed
Lazy git
Fuck off I know you want to
You knew she was teasing you, she knew what she was doing, what if she knew about your crush on her, oh no what if you've ruined everything
I'm comingggg
You both go to her room and hop into her bed
What happened next, you didn't expect
She spooned you, with both arms around your waist and placing little kisses on your head every now and then
Your cold honey
I know, it's cold in that other room
You need to start telling me these things because I'm not having you sleep in a cold room when you can just sleep with me it's not like we haven't slept with each other before
Emma we were 5
Your cute
Your cuter, your the little baby
I'm younger than you by 6 months Em
I'm still older than you
Yeah by 6 months
Yes, that still makes me older than you baby
This gave you extreme butterflies, she definitely knew what she was doing
She turned you on your back and picks you up like a baby, puts you in her lap and cuddles you
Oh Em your such a child
And your such a baby, my baby, no one else's, no one else can have my baby
Okay if this wasn't flirting then you don't know what is
Are you flirting with me Miss Stone?
I might be
She smirked at you and kisses your cheek
I know what I'm doing I know that you have a crush on me, it's so obvious
Fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
She knows!! Everything's ruined, it's over, your friendship is over!!
Your eyes fill with tears and they stream down your face
She wipes the with her thumps and kisses your forehead for comfort
I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you, I just need to know okay, tell me these things then we can work them out together
Okay, I'm sorry Em I just though it would ruin our friendship
Nothing, absolutely nothing will get in the way of us okay I promise
Okay, so you know now, how do you feel about it?
I feel so special and loved, I've never been in a relationship with a woman before and I would be an idiot to not atleast try this
You mean, you want to have a relationship with me? You want to be my girlfriend? And I can be yours?
Yes silly of course I want to be your girlfriend
So your my girlfriend now
Yes!! Of course and I love you
I love you too Em I always have done
I know, I mean I may of had a crush on you for the past 2 years now
Em!! Oh my gosh well I'm happy this is going to work out
I know it will and I shall protect you my darling, forever
And that same day you shared your first kiss
It was filled with passion and love and tasted of sweet vanilla and her plump lips fit perfectly with yours, like a jigsaw
You are both meant to be and you will never leave eachother, ever.

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