Her- Catherine Tate

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I have been oddly obsessed with Catherine lately and obviously you should be too so here we are my lovelys have fun

✨Bold writing- You
Italic writing- Catherine
Bold and italic.. you know the drill we've been here before unless you haven't then tough luck it seems✨

You were just in your living room you know living life like you do hoping to hell that you receive a call back that you got the part you have wished for

A good 3 episodes into ahs when you get a call from the director (idk how this works I'm not an actor so just live with it) that you got the part in the film and need to meet in 2 days for details and meet the other main characters

You have literally, physically never been more exited in your life. This is actually happening after years of background characters you finally got a main part in a film

2 days later you get up and do your thing whatever and you get changed into this because you are very not straight so you might aswell prove it

2 days later you get up and do your thing whatever and you get changed into this because you are very not straight so you might aswell prove it

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You finish up and grab your bag and lock up and get into the car
Luckily no traffic so you got there 10 minutes early but you decided its best not just to sit and wait so you went in and met up with the director Mark who showed you around and gave you a scriped and the trailers and your character explained into detail

(This isn't real I made all of this up trust me) 
Basically the film is about two women who are best friends that made a promise when they were 16 that if they didn't get married by the time they were in their 30s they would get married ad a joke and that happens obviously untill they really start to fall inlove the main character is played by Catherine Tate called Sonia and your character is called Fallon (odd names but off the top of me head oki doki)

The director leaves you to read the script so you just stand in the corner as you assumed you were alone as you were quite early but you were ever so wrong

Catherine's pov-
I notice a girl in the corner of the room alone reading a script so I decided to go check to see if she was okay
Are you alright love you just standing here alone?
She looked up from the paper quite startled
Oh yeah sorry I thought I was alone
Oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I'm Catherine by the way nice to meet you
I put my hand out for her to shake as she did
Y/n I'm playing your lover, Fallon
Oh right I see oh well I'm sure we will get along just fine
I winked at her then walked away

Your pov-
I almost fainted at that
God she will be the death of me for sure

After everone else had arrived and looked around we were told we would start filming next week on Monday so we had to go over the script over the weekend

I was about to leave when Catherine came over
I don't mean to bother you but I just wanted to give you my number so we could meet up at some point in our lives
Oh of course here
I gave her my phone and put in her number
Call me when you need me I'm always available bye now love
I quickly said goodbye and walked to my car before I dropped dead

I'm so in love

After about 3 weeks of filming and many after work meet ups with Catherine she invited me to her house for diner as a sort of date

I got changed into this

After about 3 weeks of filming and many after work meet ups with Catherine she invited me to her house for diner as a sort of date I got changed into this

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Then left the house
She gave me her address which was about half an hour away so I left pretty early but once I got there I could of passed away

Her house was so beautiful

I knocked on the door and got greeted by the one and only
Oh you look absolutely adorable sweetheart
No stop you look stunning
Oh come in you fool
You came inside
She sat you down on the sofa and got you both some wine then sat down beside you
Honestly my darling you look adorable your outfits never fail to amaze me every day on set
Oh you flatter me
(You can also flatten me if you want)
Haha anyways how's life at home
Well it's okay I'm trying to cope with work and my my mental health and all that just keeping myself alive
Oh I'm sorry I know it must be so hard but I'm always here if you need to come round
You live half an hour away dear
Do I, from your house?
Oh my you should just live here then I can't have that
Oh my Catherine your so cute
Afte 2 hours of talking you really started to fall more for her and she clearly noticed
You got into a conversation about you love life's and sexuality and you both basically came out as a sucker for women
Any particular woman?
Maybe.. I don't think she would be interested though
Anyone I know?
I'd hope you know her gosh
Whys that then
She looked you dead in eyes with a smirk on her lips
Mmm.. no reason
I don't believe you
Okay I'm a really bad liar so let's just get this over with
You put your glass of wine down
I've been falling for you each day at work and I know its wrong because we will probably never meet again or it will ruin out friendship and--
She cut you off with a passionate kiss which you quickly melted into
She broke apart and whispered in your ear
Cone up stairs with me I have a surprise my love
You both laughed a bit and went upstairs

That's not what you expected but you can't complain

Sorry I've been gone I do love yous I promise

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