Carnival- Karen Wheeler

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You and your twin brother and his friends were at the carnival you hated all of them so you went off on your own to this spinning saucer

Y/n- Should I do this.... nah ill get dizzy I don't think I should

Before you could leave you were pushed inside next to this beautiful blonde lady with this yellow dress on

She was with a little girl no younger that about 5 or 6

You didn't want to do this and the lady next to you notices this when she looked at you

Karen- Are you okay?

Y/n- No not really I was pushed in here by accident

The door was closed shut so you couldn't get out

Karen- Just hold my hand okay?

Y/n- Okay

She rapped her arm around yours to intwine her fingers with yours

You felt safe like this still nervous but her fingers felt natural in your

The ride started spinning and you just closed your eyes and held your breath waiting for it to be over

Once it stopped you all got out and realised you were still holding this lady's hand

You let go embarrassed

Y/n- Oh sorry I didn't realise

Karen- It's okay by the way what's your name sweetheart?

Y/n- Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n

Karen- I'm Karen, Karen Wheeler and this is my daughter Holly

Y/n- Hi, Hi sweetie

You smiled and them and thanked her

Karen- I hope I see you around here again Y/n

She winked at you and walked away

This left you all red and butterflies in your stomach creeped up

You walked off to do something else and after about an hour they announced that the firework show was about to start so you went to a ferece wheel to get a better view you got to the wheel and got put next to a very familiar lady

It was Karen again but this time she wasn't with her daughter which was weird

Karen- I was hoping I would see you again lovely, Holly has gone of with a friend of mine and I slipped the guy a five so... you'll see

Y/n- Okay

The ferece wheel starts and stops right at the top which scared you for a moment untill you realised what Karen meant when she said she slipped the guy a five

Karen- I saw you come over her so I wanted to let you enjoy this properly

Y/n- Oh Karen, but why?

Karen- Because... well... I don't really know I just saw something in you that I liked... I don't know you seem really sweet and I want to get to know you better

Y/n- Awww that's so sweet I would love to get to know you too

Karen- I felt a sudden spark when you held my hand.. I felt.. safe

This made you all flustered again which made her laugh

The fireworks started and she took your hand in hers and leaned your head on her shoulder

This really made you feel something you and never felt with someone before.. it was.. special

After the show you all down and she didn't let you let go of her hand this time

Karen- Hungry?

Y/n- Yeah I could eat just about now

Karen- I know I nice place we can go it's on me

Y/n- You really don't have to

Karen- I really want to though Y/n

You eventually just let her so you asked to use a phone booth to call your brother and his friends that you were going out as you knew they had gone home a phew hours ago

When you hung up you went off with Karen to a bar and she ordered you both some food and you both enjoyed the rest of the evening

After another hour or two she took you home

Karen- Here take my number and call me this week I want to see you again

Y/n- Me too, oh thank you for today its been so much fun

Karen- It really has

She gave you a hug and you went in and waved goodbye and almost fainted when she blew you a kiss before driving off

You walked in the house to see all your brothers friends passed out in the living and bottles of alcohol scattered across the room

You cleaned everything off and turned off the TV before going up to bed

You could sleep, all you could think about was Karen

She was so perfect in every way to the way she walked to the way she talked and laughed and oh god her smile made you wink

You finally fell asleep

You woke up and decided to give Karen a call to see if she was free today

Karen- Hello?

Y/n- Hi its Y/n

Karen- Oh darling I've been hoping you would call

Y/n- How could I not

You heard her laugh on the other end of the phone

Y/n- Anyways are you busy today?

Karen- No why?

Y/n- Well I wanted to take you put to a restaurant to say thank you for yesterday

Karen- Oh that would be lovely I'll be over to pick you up in an hour is that okay sweetheart?

Y/n- That perfect, see you soon

Karen- See you sooner

She hung up and you immediately started getting ready

Once you were changed and everything you heard her car beep outside so you locked up and got in her car

Karen- Hello you

Y/n- Hiii

She took your hand and drove off

Karen- Anywhere in particular

Y/n- No just any restaurant it's on me this time

Karen- Whatever you say baby

O to the m to the g you almost died in that every car

Once you arrived you got to a table and sat opposite eachother

Karen- It's nice here

Y/n- It really is

You both ordered and talked about all sorts of things over food untill she said this

Karen- So are you seeing anyone at the moment

Y/n- No not right now

You could see a little sparkle in her eye

Karen- Hmm good to know

Fuck me please

You finished up and she walked you out and took you to a park near by and you sat on a bench

You couldn't help but stare at her, she was so beautiful

Karen- Enjoying the view my love

You felt caught which made you blush and turn away

Karen turned your chin back to her and kissed you on the head

Karen- Back to mine?

Y/n- Lead the way

Haha lol this is long af

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