Miss Blanchett- Cate Blanchett

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✨Italic writing- Cate
Bold writing- You
Bold and italic writing- anyone else✨
You were alone in detention while you were suppost to be writing an English essay but you were awfully distracted by your beautiful teacher Miss Blanchett. The way her blonde hair sits just right on her shoulders to the way her hips sway when she walks. Her deep blue eyes and her plump cherry lips that you would do anything to kiss. Wait what this is your English teacher stop it
You carry on why your work when you feel a hot breath on your neck and can smell the sweet smell of vanilla perfume
Does Miss Y/l/n have staring problem?
You felt her whisper in your ear softly
Hm answer me y/n, does Miss Y/l/n name have staring problem
Um no Miss Blanchett, well kind of
She stands up and goes around your desk facing you then bending back down on her knees
I think you do darling, now why don't you come help me with this email
You with her to her desk and she sits on her chair and you stand beside her
Okay so how do I send an email to multiple teachers?
Okay here I'll do it
You take her mouse and send the email to the teachers she needs to send it to then realise her hand was underneath yours still holding the mouse
Uhhh- umm here Miss there you go all sent
Thank you darling your much better at technology than me you must help me more often
Ugh yes, yes if course anytime
Hmm am I making you nervous dear?
What- um- no- no your not Miss Blanchett
She stands up in front of you
It's Cate when we are alone dear
Yes Cate
Hmm such a pretty face such beautiful, tasty lips mmm
Umm Miss Bla- I mean Cate are you drunk perhaps?
Now why would I let myself get drunk infront of one of my students?
I don't know but your flirting with a student so I wouldn't be so surprised
You shouldn't be complaining I see the way you look at me in class you little flirt
Oh Miss you think I'm the flirt you should hear yourself
She kisses you to shut you up and because she always wanted to
Her lips felt soft and warm and tasted of cherry chapstick (FRUITY💅🏳️‍🌈🍓🍒🫐)
You accidentally moan into her mouth at the feeling and you feel her lips vibrate as she slightly chuckles at your response
You pull apart for some air and smile at her
This isn't going to lead onto anything else is it?
Not if you don't want it to
I don't think I'm ready to have sex with my English teacher just yet
Haha okay you don't regret it do you? You know, kissing me?
Well no not really I've wanted to do that for a while now
Hehe yes me too well this was fun but I think you should go home now your parents will be wondering where you are its well past an hour now its 7 o'clock
Oh jesus okay well thank you Cate for this bye I love you
You shut the door and ran out the school when your realised what you just said
You got home and lay on your bed
Oh my god you just told your English teacher you love her and not just as a teacher, as a lover!
Then your mum comes storming into your room
Sorry mum I took the long way home for a change so I'm a bit late
What!? No of course not I'm not my sister I was just doing some extra homework and took the long way home I'm sorry
Okay that's fine I don't need your lips on your teachers lips like your sister and her teacher I don't need you turning into her your a good child
Yes don't worry I'm not her
Anyway I'm ordering a Chinese you just want the usual?
Yes please mum thanks love you
Love you too
Crap mum isn't the only person I said I love you too I hope Cate doesn't hate me now
The next day you go to school early so you can talk to Cate about what you said yesterday
You knock on the classroom door
Come in!
You open the door and walk in
Your here early Miss Y/l/n
Em yes sorry I just want to say I'm sorry about what I said yesterday its just slipped out
Hey hey don't be sorry its okay it was really sweet it made me feel appreciated for once
Oh phew I thought you would be mad at me
Why would I be mad it was really sweet darling. Anyway since your hear an hour early why don't you help me with some jobs I have to do every morning
Yes okay what would you like me to do?
Okay can you please hand out everyone's books and write the date, title and Miss Blanchett's class on the board and that's it
Yes ma'am
You hand out the books and write the date, title and Miss Blanchett's class on the board then sit at your desk
All done
Good girl
You blush a bright pink at her words
Hehehe now I'm gonna send some emails why don't you help me sweetheart
Okay I can do that
You help her with the emails and peck her lips softly
Wow I really do love you sweetheart
Me too I don't regret what I said at all now
Everyone comes into the classroom and you quickly scurry to your desk
Your best friend whispers in your ear
What are you doing here so early don't act like I didn't see you with Miss Blanchett you cheeky bugger
You saw that!?
Mhm I did I know you like her I see the way your stare at her like you want to snogg her or something
Shut up y/bf/n
Right y/bf/n, y/n stop whispering
She caught us
I know
Right y/bf/n detention with Mr Smith and y/n detention with me tonight
You were happy you have detention with Cate so now you can spend more time with her
It was the end of the day and everyone packed their stuff and left
Y/bf/n you can go to Mr Smith now and y/n you stay here with me
You see her wink at you
Your beat friend leaves and now its just you and Cate
You naughty, naughty girl not following my instructions I'm gonna have to punish you now
You can imagine the rest
You were lucky to have her and she was the best this that has ever happened to you even if this has to stay a secret and hope you don't get caught

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