Backstage- Cate Blanchett

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✨Bold writing- You
Italic writing- Cate
Bold and Italic writing- Anyone else
Mommy_Issues0 this one is for u sweetheart and I even used your profile picture cos its swag✨

Cate was getting ready for an interview with Jimmy Fallon when she gets a text from you, the love of her life

Hey honey, turns out I'm coming backstage of the interview xx

Oh my darling that's great I can't wait to see you, I'll be 10 minutes so come down to mine now and the taxi should be there xx

Okay thank you, bye love you

Love you too my precious angel

She always called you that it has been her nickname for you for the past 6 months now
You lock your front door and walk down to Cate's house where you are greeted by her daughter Edith who is playing in the front garden
Hey sweetie is your mother still getting ready?
Edith- Yes she said to wait out here for you and she will be 1 minute
Okay honey, what you doing down there?
Edith- Come look I making a daisy chain, you can wear it
Oh sweetie of course I'll wear can you put it on my wrist for me please
Edith- Why yes course I can
She puts the daisy chain bracelet around you wrist
Oh it's so beautiful thank you sweetie
Edith- Your welcome
You see Cate come outside wearing a beautiful pink suit
Looking good honey
Thank you my precious angel, now come on now Edith honey, in you get your grandma is here to look after you
Edith- Okay mommy and bye y/n I love you
Oh sweetie I love you too bye bye
Edith runs back inside and her grandma closes the door
Shes an angel, now let get in the taxi we have a show to go to darling
You both get into the back of the taxi, put your seat belts on (health and safety ladies and gents) and off you go
Cate looks down and your wrist and notices the daisy chain bracelet Edith gave you before
What's that honey?
What's what?
The bracelet, on your wrist?
Oh, Edith made it for me
Awww, your actually gonna wear it?
Yeah why not?
Just asking princess
You chuckle slightly and she gives you a big smile
You both get to the interview and you step out the taxi, Cate holds your hand as their is many paparazzi out and she is well aware of your anxiety
There is lots of questions screamed at yous but Cate tells you to ignore it and just hold onto her hand untill you get inside to avoid confusion and stress
Once you get inside she strokes the side of your head and kisses you quickly on lips
I need to go to my makeup room but my body guard with show you where to be darling
Okay thank you Cate
She goes off and you get shown to where you need to be backstage but just enough light and a good spot to see Cate whe she comes on stage
You also everyone take their seats in the crowd and Jimmy sits himself behind his desk
The lights of the crowd go off and goes onto the stage and the camera turn on
Jimmy- Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Jimmy Fallon show, it is great to be able to see everyone face to face after a horrible experience in the past year and half, now tonight's special guest will be joining us in just a minute and she will be talking about her life at home and how she has coped over lockdown, ladies and gentlemen I would like to announce tonight's guest, Cate Blanchett everyone
The crowd claps and so do you and Cate comes on stage and takes her seat opposite Jimmy
Jimmy- Hello Cate lovely to see you tonight, how are you?
Im feeling great how are you?
Jimmy- I'm doing just fine, so tell us how have you coped over this lockdown?
Yeah well it obviously hasn't been easy at all for any of us but as an actress it has been very difficult to keep myself busy and entertained because I'm not acting as much or at all but I've managed with the help of my new lover and my kids
Jimmy- New lover?
Y/n Y/l/n, yes my new lover and I love her with all my heart very much, she has got me through so much shit in the past year and half and I really want to thank her for that
Jimmy- Wow that's great and is she here with us tonight may I ask?
Yeah she backstage do you want me to go get her?
Jimmy- Yes please Cate
My precious angel come here they want to meet you
She calls you from stage, you come out and everyone claps for you
Jimmy- I'm so sorry we don't have a spear seat
It's okay she can sit on my lap
You giggle and sit on your girlfriend's lap
Jimmy- So hello y/n
Hello Jimmy
Jimmy- You seem like you have done alot for out lovely blonde actress over here I see
I try my best I mean she does me the world to me after all don't you bubs
Awwww, my baby
Jimmy- Well isn't this just the most precious thing ever ladies and gents
Everyone claps
You three talk for a bit longer then you get allowed off stage and Cate takes you back to her makeup room
That was amazing thank you for always being here by my side my precious angel
Your welcome I'm never going anywhere, ever
And neither am I
Then you spent the next 10 minutes making out, what a precious couple you are.

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