Married- Emily Blunt

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Italic writing- Emily
Bold writing- You
Anyone else- Bold and italic
You woke up to the sun blinding you as you see your fiancé (soon to be your wife in a few hours) open the curtains and blinds
Really Emily!? Now!? It's like 7 in the morning go back to sleep love
I can't!!!! We are getting married today I can't sleep at all I'm too exited to finally call you my wife!!!!
I know darling im exited too so I guess getting up now doesn't sound too bad
You Emily get dressed and brush your teeth and brush your hair then go downstairs
Okay honey so you will stay here and I'm going to my friend's house to get into my dress and do my hair and makeup and all that stuff
Okay darling my friends are coming here and I'll get all ready too
Ooo sweetheart this is so exiting I can't wait I hope it all goes well and nothing bad happens I can't have that not today
I promise you my love, nothing bad is going to happen today
You and Emily kiss goodbye and she goes to her friend's house and you hear your friends, Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett and Sarah Paulson knock at the door
Sarah- Hi love, you exited for today?
Yes I am come in, come to the bedroom everything is in there
You all go upstairs and Cate does your makeup, Sandra prepairs your dress and Sarah gets everything ready to do your hair
Cate- So how are you feeling because I know its quite scary it's was when I married Andrew
Yes I'm a little bit nervous I just hope at Emily says, that nothing bad happens today
Cate- Us three will make sure nothing bad will happen not on your special day
Thank you Cate I appreciate it
Cate finishes your makeup then Sarah takes over and does your hair into a cute, flowery bun with curls
Sarah- Awww how beautiful do you look, Emily is so lucky you know
Thanks Sarah I look amazing and wow Cate the makeup is beautiful
Sandra- Okay love here is your dress we picked it up for you before we came now come with me to the bathroom I'll help you put it on
Okay thank you Sandy
Sandra helps you put on your dress and oh my gosh did you look like an absolute goddess
As soon as they saw you their jaws dropped
Sarah- Wow oh my don't you look pretty
Cate- You look like a princess oh my god
Sandra- I know she does
Thank you so much guys I really appreciate everything no come on I have a wedding to go to
You all got in Sarah's car and got to the church
You started shaking and squeezing Cate's hand
Cate- Are you alright?
I'm scared Cate I really am what if something happens
Cate- Nothing is going to ruin your perfect day sunshine I promise
Okay thank you
You all got out the car and you felt like you were going to faint with all the nerves and your knees began to weaken but you tried your best to show you were okay
You then saw your dad and he looked so smart and exited
Your dad- Oh my gosh my little girl is all grown up now look at you, you look like a royal queen
Thanks dad you look very smart I like it
Your dad- Thanks sweetheart, now it's show time let's get you your wife
You and your dad walked down the aisle arm in arm and as your reached Emily your felt your knees weaken again with all the nerves
NO!! You weren't about to just collapse into the arms of your wife on your wedding day you weren't going to let this happen
You felt Emily whisper in your ear
Angel, are you okay?
You couldn't even respond your mouth couldn't hardly open up
Why were you so scared why was this happening to you
You felt dizzy then everything started spinning until
And everything went black and you slightly heard the voice of your wife scream for help and you fell into her warm arms
Emily's pov
I could see she wasn't okay and she started becoming very pale and I was so scared
Then all of a sudden she collapsed but I just caught her before she hit her head on the cold, hard floor
I felt her pulse and I could find it then checked her breathing and it was slowly fading
I started crying, I didn't even care about getting married at this point I just wanted my baby girl to be okay and not die in my arms
Her dad rushed to us and told me to carry her outside and wait for the ambulance and he had just called one
I did so and carried her ,bridal style, outside the church and waited for the ambulance
I was crying so much and I was shaking alot too as Cate, Sandy and Sarah were trying their best to calm me down but I couldn't I didn't want to loose the best thing that has happened to me
The ambulance showed up and took some bloods and put a breathing mask on her face then took her out my arms and put her on a stretcher
Sandra- Come on Emily get in my car let's go to the hospital
I was crying and holding in screams while Cate was rubbing my back and calming me down
Once we got the hospital the doctor told us only one of us could go inside so I went and saw her still eyes closed with the breathing mask on
I'm sorry I shouldn't have put so much pressure on you I love you and I'm so so sorry
I started to cry again and hold her hand
Then I felt her squeeze my hand and I shouted for a doctor
Y/n opened her eyes and the doctors took her mask off checked her breathing and bloods and heartbeat and she was all good and then the doctor left
Your pov
I started waking up again and saw Emily next to me
It's okay Emily I was just so nervous I don't think I'm ready for a wedding
That's okay but I signed the papers so we are still married and you are now officially Y/n Blunt
Oh my gosh I have your name and I love it
And I love you
You hugged you beautiful wife to death and cuddled in the hospital bed
Y/n Blunt it is and always will be you and Emily forever.

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