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A couple hours passed and we were getting ready to go to the live music event. "Do you know who's gonna be there?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No idea. But it's a festival too so if we don't like the music we can walk around" he shrugged and I nodded and buttoned my pants. His hands went on my waist and pulled me back. I squeaked as I took a step back but he was there. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek and my neck.

"We could go again quickly" he hummed and I smiled and got red in the face. "You're not like the other guys I've dated" I turned around and he looked down at me. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"They all just wanted to sit there and do nothing. That's why I have great legs" I told him and he laughed. "Your legs are amazing" he nodded.

"Well maybe one of these days you could show me how those legs work" he hummed and I smiled and looked up at him. "Yeah maybe" I spoke and he rasied his eyebrows and bit his bottom lip.

"We better go before they expect the worst" He told me and we walked out and down to the lobby. "You two fuckin up there. We have shit to do cunts" Mason huffed. "Calm down" Cameron told him and he was quiet as he crossed his arms. My arm was grabbed and I looked over and Toby smiled. Her outfit oh my god.

"Oh my god that top" I spoke and I took a step back. "With those pants." I gasped and nodded. She did a little spin with a smile. "Did your girlfriend have to work" I frowned. I liked her a lot too.

"Yeah. Just for today shes driving up tomorrow to meet us" Toby smiled. "Amazing" I beamed. We needed more girls. We were out numbers 2 to 7. "Well she's my girlfriend so uh" Cameron pulled me back over to him. Girlfriend. Hmm.

We all walked out and the sun had started to go down just a little. We drove to the music festival and it hadn't started yet so we were walking around.

"I wanna go on the rides" Mason spoke and Jay was with him. He also wanted to ride them. "Alright we'll you have to buy tickets" Ryan told them and Cameron held my hand and swung it back and forth as we walked and he looked around. There were a lot of other people there as well.

"Music starts at 9. Do you guys just wanna meet back over there?" Eric asked and we all agreed. "Let's go  before someone follows" Cameron spoke and I walked behind him away from the group. His tall frame was nice. I wouldn't have to worry about loosing him.

He pulled me throw the crowd and we walked beside a little building. He stopped and we just looked around for a second. I put my arms around his one and smiled and he squeezed my hand.

"Why are you being so lovey today" he smiled. I was happy. "You called me your girlfriend" I smiled and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Yeah. I felt like that was a good time to ask so you couldn't say no" he chuckled. "I wouldn't say no." I told him and he smiled as he looked around.

"Do you want something to eat. Oh I see icecream" he spoke and pulled me. We fell in line for icecream and he was looking around. Girlfriend. It almost made me giggle. We got up to the front and ordered and I pulled my wallet out.

"Ah ah" He spoke and handed the guy some cash. "But I feel bad. I don't think-" I stopped and he looked at me with a cheeky smile. We got our icecream and sat down at a table.

"I literally haven't paid for anything since we've been together" I told him and he nodded. "And it'll stay that way" he dipped his spoon in to my icecream and took a bite.

"Nice choice" he nodded and I smiled. We ate and threw our trash away because if you don't you're an asshole. "Do you wanna go on the ferris wheel?" I asked him excited and he nodded. "I would love that" he told me.

We bought two tickets and went to stand in the line. "The ferris wheel is my favorite" I told him and he slung his arm around my shoulders. "I love learning new things about you" he told me and I looked at the ground and smiled.

"So there's only one bed at the hotel didn't know if you noticed that" he spoke as we took a stepped forward and I smiled and looked at the ground. "Only one. Guess you'll have to sleep on the floor" I looked up at him and he looked forward with a smile.

We got up to the front and the huge wheel was turning. The seat stopped and he held my hand and we walked up the steps. We sat down and the guy buckled us in. Cameron held my hand a little tighter and leaned back.

We started to go up and it was beautiful. All the lights had been turned on. I gasped and sat forwards a little bit to see the ground and all the people.

"So pretty" I looked around and his hand had a pretty tight grip on mine. "I'm not gonna jump out" I told him and pulled my hand a bit but he didn't let go. "Its more for me than you" he spoke and had his eyes closed.

"We didn't have to go on here Cam" I spoke and held his hand with both of mine. We stopped half way and the seat rocked a little bit. "Were almost at the top. Open your eyes. It's so pretty" I told him and he hummed.

"I think I'm good. The rocking of this metal death trap really isn't doin it for me" he spoke and I scooted close to him. "Come on how are we suppose to kiss at the top if you can't look at me?" I asked him and he held my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I can find your lips with my eyes closed" he told me. We started to move again and he started to breath a little heavier. "Cameron" I spoke a little quieter and he took a deep breath.

"Open your eyes silly I'm right here with you" I told him and pulled his leg closer to mine. "You are being really cute right now" he told me. We stopped at the top and I put my hand on his cheek and looked at his closed eyes. He squinted and looked at me.

"Happy?" He asked and all he did was look at me. "Can I kiss you now?" He asked and I smiled and leaned into kiss him. He pulled me towards him carefully and he gasped as we started to move again.

"We've gotta go around a couple times." I told him and he breathed out. "Ok ok just uh give me a second" he nodded but had closed his eyes again. We stopped near the bottom and he cracked open one of his eyes and he turned his head to look at me.

I heard a whistle and I saw the gang standing at the bottom of the wheel waving. "Who are you looking at?" He asked me and I waved. "Everyone is down there" I told him. "We could make them jealous" he spoke and I giggled.

"You've gotta open your eyes first" I looked at him and he was just looking at me wide eyed. We moved again and we started to go around. "I don't know" he jumped a little. "Were gonna have to come back in if you dont see it this time" I spoke and he frowned. He cracked one of his eyes open and we stopped at the top again.

"Wow" he spoke on the 3rd time around. He was looking around at all the lights. "See?" I smiled and he looked at me. He squeezed my hand and I leaned in and kissed his lips. He immediately closed his eyes again and held my hand as we went back down. We were back at the bottom and we got off.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now