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I don't really know how long I was in there for but my clothes were still dripping when the door opened. "Come on" the cop spoke and I stood up. Thank god there here. I need to pee.

I followed him out and making a mess as I went. We rounded the corner and I saw all of them standing there. "Quinn!" The cheered. Still drunk like I was. I smiled and lifted my arms up as I walked over to them.

"Let's go" Ryan told all of us. I was given fresh dry clothes and I was changing in a gas station bathroom. I dried my hair with paper towels and walked out putting my phone and wallet in my pocket. I had squeezed the water from my other clothes and put them in a bag.

"You alright?" Cameron asked me as I walked out. "Yeah. That was a lot of fun" I smiled and they all laughed. "I can't belive those dick heads. We weren't hurting any one" Mason huffed.

"Well I think we should call it a night after that" Jay spoke and we all agreed. We all got in to cars and went our separate ways. I wasn't to drunk as Cameron opened the door to his apartment.

"Sure your ok?" He asked me as I sat down on the couch. "I went to jail. Wait have you been to jail?" I asked him and he smiled and shook his head.

"I went to jail before you" I told him. "Don't sound so happy about it. Ryan gave us this to say sorry" he pulled a joint from his ear. "Oh. It wasn't really his fault" I shook my head and grabbed a lighter from the table. He chuckled and handed it to me.

"I'm grabbing water" he told me and I sparked the lighter and held it to the end as the filter was in my mouth. I breathed in and my jaw got tight. I breathed out and coughed a bit. He came back and we smoked. We were laying on the couch, and I was resting my eyes. Soon enough I feel asleep.


I woke up and didn't feel Cameron beside me. I stretched out but I wasn't on the couch any more. I opened my eyes and I was in his bed room but he wasn't. I was a little fuzzy in the head and I flipped and reached for my phone. Where is it?

I closed my eyes and laid on the bed for a second. I took a deep breath and got out of bed and walked down stairs. I walked in to the kitchen and saw a note and my phone.

Hey Q. There was somthing wrong with the podcast. Went to the office for a bit :) I didn't wanna wake you, and I found your phone. ♡

I smiled and folded up the note sticking it in my pocket. I grabbed my phone and trudged back up stairs. I got dressed and decided to go back home. I walked out of his place and locked the door. I walked back to my place and opened the door.

"Razzy you home?" I called. "Yep" he spoke and walked from the hall way. "God I feel like I haven't seen you in for ever" he told me and I chuckled.

"I saw you just yesterday. Oh my god" I gasped and he raised his eyebrows. "I went to jail" I told him and he tjere his head back. "What?" He was laughing now and we went to the kitchen and I told him the whole story.

"Those boys are crazy" he told me and I nodded. "I wasn't in there more than like 30 minutes. They came and bailed me out thank god or else I would have had to call you and that would have been super embarrassing" I told him.

"If you're ever in jail please call me" he spoke and I smiled. "So what are you gonna do with your day?" He asked me and I shrugged. Look up what my parents were up too.

"Well I woke up and Cam had gone to the office so I came here. Probably. Well I need to clean my room and do some laundry." I nodded and he looked at my shirt and hummed.

"Its not good?" I asked him. "Its not yours" he told me matter of fact and I parted my lips. "Might fuck around and buy a car cause im honestly starting to feel bad that people have to drive me around" I told him.

"Oh I could help" he offered. "What kind of car?" He asked. "I don't know. I was gonna take Matt and Toby. I think they know about cars but nothing fancy" I shook my head.

"You could get matching teslas with your boyfriend" he suggested and I chuckled. "I want a piece of shit car so in case I crash I can get another one, and not attract suspicion" I spoke and he nodded.

"Understandable. I was thinking that-" he stopped as his phone rang. "I swear I'm gonna quit my job" he huffed as he looked at the screen. "Hey Harry" he spoke like he was happy and frowned.

"Yeah I checked the reports" he spoke and I have him a thumbs up and he nodded and smiled. "Ok well I don't know what's wrong with them" he sounded confused as I went to my room.

I went upstairs and I picked up my room and I had my box out of important stuff. Maybe it would lead me somewhere. To figure out what really happened. About an hour later I got a knock at my door. I kicked the box under my bed and sat at my computer.

"Come in" I spoke and Raz poked his head in. "I got called into the office" he sighed. "Do you wanna order pizza tonight? I'm feeling like pizza" I told him and he smiled. "Definitely" he nodded.

"I'll call and pick it up on my way back home" he told me and I smiled. "Sounds good. Breadstick too?" I asked and he chuckled and nodded. "I shouldn't be to long" he told me. "I'll be good here" I nodded and he smiled again. "Alright. See you in a bit" he spoke and he walked out the door.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now