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They got me calmed down a little bit and Eric gave me a cookie. "Are you better now?" Mason asked me and I sighed.

"My head kinda hurts and it feels like I'm still having a heart attack" I spoke and ate my cookie. "Well that cookie should help you with both" Eric told me and I looked at it. "Drugs?" I asked and Eric shrugged eating a similar cookie.

"Just for a little bit of spice" he sprinkled fake salt on the counter. "Matt!" Jay called. "Were leaving you guys. The list is on the counter" Jay told Eric. "Matt comes on!" Jay yelled.

"I'm coming!" Matt yelled and he ran down the steps and he glanced at us and stopped and looked at me. "Does your face hurt?" Matt snickered. "Cause its killin me" he smiled and I flipped him off.

"Try not to smack your face on anything else" Jay told me and they walked out the door. Did Cameron hear me? How could I just let it slip out like that.

"Quinn" Eric spoke and he grabbed the sides of my chin and turned my face to look at it. "Did you really fall off the bed?" He asked me and I pulled my head away. "Yeah." I sighed and Mason chuckled.

"It looks like you got in a fight. Under your eyes are all purple" Mason told me and I nodded. "Well are you ready to go?" Eric asked and I stood up.

"I got in to a fight with the floor and lost" I stood up and they both smiled a little. "Let's get there before these edibles kick in" Eric grabbed his keys. We got in the car and got to the store. I was feeling it now. As we started to walk in it hit me. I walked behind Mason who was behind Eric as he pushed the cart.

"What do we need?" Mason snatched the list from Eric's hand. "Dude" Eric grabbed it back. "Quinn let's go look at the toy section" Mason spoke. "No you guys can't wander off I'll never be able to find you" Eric shook his head and Mason slumped a bit.

We kinda just followed Eric around the store and Mason would grab something every now and then and try to get Eric to bye it. We were at the check out and I was grabbing the bags and putting them in to the cart.

"Shit I forgot somthing. We'll be right back" Eric told me and I nodded as I put the bags in the cart. I am so high right now. No headache which was nice.

"Ma'am do you need some help?" I heard a guys voice. "No I'm alright its only a couple bags" I smiled and looked up. Police man. Oh shit. Does he know.

"Ma'am are you ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah I'm ok" I spoke and the lady scanning our stuff glanced at us. "Please walk over here with me" he spoke and I set the bag down and walked a few feet away. Oh fuck.

"I saw you walk in with two men. I have a partner outside ready to assist you if you need it. We can call somone for you" he told me. What?

"No. There my friends." I told him starting to get nervous. "Not to pressure you but it looks like someone broke your nose." He told me quietly. "Oh" I nodded.

"I was being a dumbass and fell off my bed in the dark and smacked my face on the ground. I promise I'm ok" I smiled and he nodded. "Trust me if someone thought it was ok to hit a woman or anyone I would take care of it" I assured him and he chuckled a little bit.

"Alright. Just checkin" he nodded and I smiled. "Thank you" I nodded and Eric and Mason stood by the cart. "Are you ok?" Eric asked.

"Yeah he thought you guys beat me. I told him to wait by your car and tackle you guys" I nodded. "Quinn" Mason's jaw dropped. "I'm kidding." I laughed and they shook there head.

"I hate you. I'm gonna be in a panic now" Eric threw his hand up and we walked out to the car. We put the bags in and drove back to the house. We carried the bags in and there was a knock at the back door.

"Hold on" Eric spoke and I looked at Mason. "Drug dealer" he told me and put a finger to his lips. Eric walked back in a few minutes later and I sat down on the couch.

"You want a beer?" Mason asked and I looked over. He handed me one and I put it gently on the bridge of my nose and close my eyes. After a bit the three of us were sitting on the couch. We had smoked and we were watching YouTube. Some conspiracy theories. I heard the door swing open.

"Can you guys come help me!" Toby yelled and we all got up and walked outside. "With what?" Mason asked and Toby stood by her car. "These" Toby started to pull out boxes and handed one to Mason then Eric. I stood there and She turned around to look at me.

"Oh my-" "My face is fucked up I know. No, no one hit me I fell" I told her and she put the box down and grabbed my face. "Yeah that's what they all say. Mason!" Toby yelled and she turned my head to the side.

"I told you if you got in to anymore fights-" "It wasn't me. She said she fell. She came over with her face all fucked up like that" Mason spoke and I put my hands on her arm and smiled.

"Really I'm ok. I smacked my face on the floor after crawling off the end of the bed last night" I laughed and she inspected my face.

"You need to ice it Q. Its gonna get all red and puffy" she told me. "Well let me help you first" I offered and she turned me around and pushed me inside.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now