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"Cam" Mason spoke. "You wanna do a dab?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Right now? I drove here" he spoke and Mason shrugged. "Quinn'll do it won't you?" Mason asked me and I looked at him. "A dab?" I questioned.

"You've never done one?" Mason gasped. "No I have. Just not in a bit. I'm down as long as you don't try to kill me" I spoke and sat up. "Come on Cam." Mason spoke and grabbed the glass piece.

"I'm takin one too" Eric called and started to walk over. Eric did one and went back to the kitchen then I did one. I sat back and I coughed and Cameron sat up. He took one and Mason and Matt were already stoned.

Coughing was all that could be heard for like 5 minutes and I got up and grabbed some water. "Plates?" I asked Eric. "Huh?" He looked at me. "Where are your plates, and forks?" I asked him.

"This drawer and then the cabinet by the fridge" he told me and I grabbed the plates and forks. "Quinn what are you doing?" Cameron asked me. "Helping" I told him. The door opened and Ryan and Sam walked in.

"It smells like weed in here" Were the first words out of Ryan's mouth. "You wanna do a dab?" Mason offered and they both smiled and sat down. "Its ready" Eric called. "I gotta pee" I spoke and walked off. Down a hall way. Bathroom? No. Bathroom. No. Bathroom. Oh. Yeah.

I walked in and went pee and walked back out to see them all getting food. "Here" Toby handed me a plate and I was starting to feel really high now. "Help me please" I held my plate out and Jay grabbed it and scooped me some food. I got what I wanted and walke to the fridge. Beer. Beer. Beer. Expired milk. Why.

"Beer is on the top shelf" Jay told me. "Do you want one?" I asked and looked at him. He paused for a moment and nodded. I heard me too about 7 times and grabbed beers out. I grabbed a can of soda out of the fridge and went to sit down.

"Swags why did you make this kind of noddles?" Mason asked. "Its the ones we had in the house" Eric shrugged. Swags. I thought it was cute that they called him that.

"We have longs ones" Toby spoke and Mason and Jay snickered. "Yeah we do" Mason laughed and Toby rolled her eyes. "I didn't wanna have to hear every one slurp up those. Its gross unless your eating alone" he spoke.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Ryan asked clicking though the movies. "Why do you have the remote cunt?" Mason asked. "Shut up and eat your food" Ryan told him. "Movies anyone?" Ryan asked and we gave him a couple. I was quiet and just eating. It was pretty good.

"Ok so are we all in agreement for Titanic?" Ryan asked us after a moment. "I wanted to watch somthing scary" Mason huffed. "You know Cameron can't watch scary movies" Ryan told him and I looked at Cameron.

"Why?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Cause I live alone" he told me. "Your girlfriends there to protect you now" Mason spoke and Ryan clicked on Titanic. We all started to watch the movie and one by one we set our plates on the table in the middle. By the end of it I was crying a little and most of them were too.

The end credits started to play and I wiped my eyes and heard sniffs from the others. "There was enough room on the fucking door why didn't she just share" Toby asked annoyed. "She said she wasn't gonna let go and 4 seconds passed and she fuckin let go of him" Jay threw his hands up and we all laughed.

"What a bitch" Eric shrugged. "Alright. Everyone needs to bring there dishes in to the kitchen." Toby told us and we all got up. "Cam. Ryan. Jay. You guys want some of this to bring home? Quinn?" He asked. "Ok good" he nodded before we said anything.

"Do you wanna dip outta here before they make us do the dishes?" Cameron whispered and I looked at him and smiled. He nodded and I chuckled. "Here" Eric spoke and handed me a container full of food.

"Alright were leaving cunts. Thanks for the food and making us cry" Cameron spoke and linked his arm though mine. "Are we doing VR tomorrow?" Eric asked. "Yes we are" Cameron nodded. We got a string of goodbyes and he shut the door.

"Are you good to drive?" I asked him and he nodded. "Yeah I'm good. How are you feeling?" He asked me. "I'm still a little fucked" I told him honestly and he chuckled and started the car. We made it back to his house and we changed and went to the couch.

I laid my head on his lap and he had his feet on the table. I was getting kinda tired and I had my eyes closed. He had draped a blanket over top of me and had the tv turned down low. He ran his fingers though my hair and he stopped for a moment.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked me and I stayed quiet. He couldn't really tell. He was quiet and I felt his hand go across my cheek. "I love you" he whispered and ran his fingers though my hair. I was quiet, but felt like I was gonna cry.

"The first time I noticed was when I saw you lost in that store" he chuckled quietly. Loves me. Holy shit. "And every time I saw you after that" he spoke quietly. He was quiet after that and let the tv play. After a little bit he shut the tv off and he picked me up and stood up.

I kept my eyes closed and laid limp in his arms. We walked upstairs to the bed room and he set me down on the cold bed. I shifted a little so I was comfortable. He covered me up and walked around to the other side and got in bed. He loves me.

I smiled as his arms went around me and pulled me close. I thought about what we had been though this far. I loved him too. I let my self drift to sleep.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now