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We got back into the car and we drove back home. We got up stairs and I grabbed on to his arm as I tried to take my shoes off.

"Need a bit a help?" He asked and I sighed. "They won't come off" I told him as I struggled. He kneeled down and unlaced them. "There" he spoke as he took the second one off. "I like this view." I looked down at him and he looked up.

"Is this how you feel all the time?" He grinned. "Don't make me push you over" I threatened and he stood up and towered over me.

"I'm only like 8 inches taller than you but I have developed horrible neck and back pains from looking down at people" he put his hand on the back of his neck. "Oh you poor poor thing" I spoke and he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"Yeah poor me. I didn't choose to be this tall" he spoke and held me close. "Well stop looking down just squat a little" I told him and he laughed. He backed up and squatted down and put his hands on his knees.

"Yeah just like that but keep your back straight" I pushed on his back. "Now it just feels like I'm taking a shit" he laughed and stood back up. "Do you wanna make pizza?" He asked and I gasped.

"Yeah let me take my pants off" I ran up stairs and he laughed. I walked in and started to undress. I looked over and walked in. We got changed and went back down stairs.

"Wine?" He asked and I smiled. "Were already drunk" I told him and he nodded and poured two glasses. We started to make the pizza and drink.

"More cheese" he spoke, and I put more on there. "More" he said again and I laughed as I filled the thing up with cheese and ate a little bit of it.  We put both pizza's in the oven and set the timer.

We walked over to the couch and Cam turned on the tv. "Quinn we have food in the oven we can't fall asleep" he told me and I groaned and took my head off of his shoulder. "Come on" he got up and my head fell.

"Get up" he pulled my arms and he lifted me off the couch and pulled me towards the kitchen. "Alright" he held his hands up. He turned on some music and put his hand on my waist.

"This music makes. Me tired" I yawned. "It'll pick up" he assured me. We started to sway and then we started to dance like crazy. We were laughing and spinning around the kitchen and the living room. He caught my hand as the song ended and I giggled.

"You can dance pretty good for a spaghetti noodle" I told him and his jaw went slack. "Spaghetti noddle" he poked my sides and I laughed and pushed his hands away. The timer went off and he pointed at me and walked over to the oven.

He turned the timer and oven off and took out the pizza. "Oh my god. They look amazing" I threw my head back as he put them in the counter. "There is more cheese than anything. Its more like cheese bread" I chuckled and smiled as he cut in to them. We ate a little bit and wandered up stairs. We got into bed and I fell asleep soon after.


"Quinn" I heard Cam whispered and he moved the hair from my neck. I felt his lips press against my exposed skin and I scooted and turned to face him but didn't open my eyes.

"I gotta get goin. Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked. "No I'll walk. Let me sleep" I put my bottem lip out and he kissed me. "I'm not gonna let you walk home" he protested.

"Well you need to get to work and I'm not getting up" I told him and he let out a laugh. He shifted and I rolled over and grabbed his shirt. "Cam" I wined and he looked back at me.

"I gotta get to work you just said so" he spoke and I scooted over. "Kiss me" I pursed my lips and he leanded down and kissed me. "More" I spoke and he laughed and turned fully around. He held my face in his hands and kissed my lips and then my cheeks.

"Is that good?" He asked. "One more" I whsipered and he kissed my lips and I laid back down in the bed. He got up and took a shower and got dressed.

"Are you sure I can't drive you home?" He asked and I shook my head still laying in the bed. "Will you be here when I get back?" He asked me and I shrugged. "I don't know" I grinned and he kissed my lips and stood up.

"Alright I'll see you later" he told me and walked out. I heard his footsteps go down the stairs and then the door opened and shut. After awhile I got up. I walked in to his closet and looked around.

He had some pretty cool clothes. Could I take a one? Would he mind. I'll give it back but all my clothes are dirty. I decided to do a some laundry and then I grabbed a shirt from his closet and walked out the door with my stuff. I got back to my house and opened the door.

"Quinn!" Raz called. "Its just me" I yelled back and he walked out of his room. "Hey sorry" I spoke. "For what?" He asked and I shrugged. "What's been goin on?" He asked and I went to sit at tje counter.

"Do you want a sandwich?" He asked. "Please" I nodded. "Nothing been going on really. Hanging with Cam. With his friends. Coming home to water plants" I nodded. Investing my parents murder. "The usual" I nodded and he hummed and got some stuff out.

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