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We all got our stuff and we got out to the car. We drove to Ryan's house and Alex and Hamish were arguing about somthing as we walked up to the door. I knocked on the door and Cameron twisted the knob and we walked in.

"Oi who is it!" Sam yelled. "Me. Quinn. Alex. Hamish!" Cameron called and we all walked in and Ryan and Sam were sitting on the couch smoking. "Hey come in. The others aren't here yet" Ryan told us and Cam and I sat down on the couch.

He put his arm around my shoulders and put his ankle on his opposite knee and leaned back. We started to chat and smoke a little bit. My phone rang.

"Oh. Sorry" I frowned and pulled it out and stood up. "Hey Raz" I spoke as I walked out of the room and out the front door. "Hey kiddo. I'm leaving to Sydney in an hour. Just wanted to check up on you" he told me.

"Called out for work?" I asked him. "Yeah just for the rest of the week" he assured me. "Raz its Tuesday. You work too much" I told him. "Nah. I'll be fine" he chuckled.

"Well I can come over if you want. I'm hanging out with Cameron and some of our friends" I told him, and I saw Toby's car pull up. "Nah there's no need. I know your having fun" he told me and the 5 of them got out of Toby's car and saw me.

"You work to hard Raz. Text me when you get there" I told him. "I will. Are you having fun?" He asked me and Mason threw a few air punches at me.

"Who are you talking to cunt?" Mason asked. "Is Cameron inside?" Jay asked me. "Guys shut up she's on the phone" Toby pulled them towards the door. "Yeah I'm having fun. I met Camerons brothers yesterday which is fun. I think there here for a couple more days" I told him.

"Ah ok good. Well I'll text you and then I'll see you next week" he spoke. "Alright Raz. Don't work to hard. Be safe" I spoke. "You too" he hummed and we both hung up. I turned around and walked back inside and I closed the door.

They were all talking and the rest of them were getting situated on the couch. "Who was that?" Matt asked me. "My uncle. He got called to Sydney for work until next week" I told him and sat down beside Cameron again.

We all started to talk and the tv was playing. Ryan ordered food a bit later and we were all having fun. "You guys wanna go out?" Hamish asked us. There was a mix of groans and sighs along with some excited voices.

"We went out last night. I'm an old man" Cameron spoke. "Come on Cam" Mason smiled and Cameron chuckled. A few of them did want to go out, but not me. Some of them got up and Cameron asked me once again.

"Quinn are you sure you don't wanna come out?" Cameron asked me and he stood in front of me sitting in the couch. "I'm already way to high. Go have fun" I told him, and he smiled.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow" he bent down and he kissed me. "Come on Cammy. The night is young. You have the rest of your life to kiss her" Alex spoke and Cameron kissed me again and stood up.

"The rest of you are just gonna chill here?" Ryan asked Toby, Matt, Sam, and I. "Yeah" we all agreed. "Alright have fun then" Eric told us.

"We won't wake up with a hang over" Matt spoke and he shrugged. "A small price to pay" Alex shook his head. They rest of them left and Sam, Matt and I smoked a bit more and Matt had a few drinks.

"You two want a ride?" Toby asked Matt and I as she stood up. "Please" I stood up and my head started to spin. "Wait" I sat back down and Toby chuckled, but Matt was also trying to get up.

We eventually got off the couch and got out to her car. "You good back there Matt?" She asked and titled her mirror down. Matt was pouting cause he had to sit in the back. "Alright" she spoke.

"Quinn. Back to Camerons?" She asked and I shook my head. "No my house." I told her and tried to work the seatbelt. We got to my house and I sat there for a second after opening my door.

"Do you need some help?" Toby asked me and I shook my head. "No no. I'm good" I assured her. "Thanks for the ride" I smiled. "Wait. Wheres my car?" I asked and looked in the drive way.

"Its at Camerons" I shook my head and Toby laughed. "Get inside safe" she told me as I stood up out of her car. "You too" I nodded and I shut the door.

I stumbled a little bit up to the door and Toby sat there until I pushed open the door. She honked as she drove off and I waved. It was dark in the house and shut the door and flipped on the nearest light. I need to sit.

I knocked my knee on the table as I walked to the couch. "Fuck" I sucked in a breath and I fell on to the couch. My head was spinning a little bit, but I pulled a blanket on me and covered my eyes. I was breathing though my mouth and I fell asleep.


I heard footsteps. Close ones. I shot up off the couch and I saw Cameron freeze. My heart was racing and he smiled and put his hands together.

"Sorry" he whispered and I was a little confused for a moment, and still half asleep. "Are you awake?" He asked and walked over to me. "Yeah" I nodded.

"What. Are you doing here?" I asked him. "You weren't at my place when I got home" he told me and I rubbed my eyes and flipped the blanket off of me.

"No I. I'm here" I told him and he chuckled and nodded. "Let's go to the bed" he held his hand out and I grabbed his hand and we walked to my room and we both laid down. The room was cold and Cameron was warm against me. I quickly feel asleep again.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now