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I had started to dig hole and plant the flowers as Cameron picked the grass where he sat. "Tell me a story" I spoke. "A story?" He asked and I nodded.

"I really don't know much about your childhood" he told him and patted the dirt in place. "Well I have 2 youngers brothers. I grew up in New Zealand" he shrugged. "Not really much to tell" he shook his head and I moved to the next plant.

We talked about when he was a child and a little bit about how he got started on YouTube. He ended up helping me dig holes bit was still telling me about his parents.

"They all still live in New Zealand then?" I asked and he nodded. "They were afraid of me living alone but I really do need a space of my own" he told me. "Its good to know what you need. Set boundaries" I agreed and patted the last of the flowers down.

"Now some water" I spoke and grabbed the hose. I waters the flowers and the seeds I had planted. "What about winter?" He asked worried. "Well they will die but since there seeds are gonna be in the ground they will grow back next year and the years after" I nodded.

"I have coverings for some of the rose's cause even the slightest frost will kill them which is stupid" I spoke and he nodded and stood there with me.

"Are you coming back to my place or do you wanna chill here?" He asked me. "Do you wanna be here when Raz gets home?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Hes grown on me a little bit" he nodded and I smiled.

We got done outside and washed our hands off. We decided we'd go back to his place. I was grabbing a few things and he was looking around my room. "Is that a sword?" He gasped and I turned around and looked at me.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I wanted it for my 6th birthday and that's what I got" I spoke and took it off the wall hooks. "Hold the case" I spoke and he held the end and I pulled it out. "Holy shit" he spoke and I handed it to him.

"Go crazy" I smiled. "But it is very sharp" I warned as he swung it around slowly. "Oh fuck" he gasped and I turned around and his finger was bleeding. "It is very sharp" he nodded and handed me the sword back and about it away.

"Here come here" I spoke and we walked in to the bathroom. He held his finger under the water and I wiped it off before putting a bandaid on it. "Do I need to kiss it too?" I asked him and he smiled. "I think that would be good yeah" he nodded and I kissed his finger and looked up at him.

"One here too" he tapped his lips and bent down. I kissed him and he stood up with a smile. "Hey Quinn! I'm home girl!" I heard Raz call and the door shut. "Come on" I spoke and I grabbed my bag and we walked out.

"Hey Raz" I smiled and he turned and saw Cameron behind me. "What are you guys doing?" He asked and looked at Cameron. "We were going at it back there. Come look at the flowers we planted" I gasped and skipped over to the back door.

Raz walked over and I slid the door open. "Wow" he spoke and put his hands on his hips as he looked around. "Very nice" he nodded.

"Cam helped too. Just gave then a drink after we finished." I spoke and he nodded and kept looking. "Lovely. Are you going back over to his place?" He asked me.

"Yeah I just packed a bag. What are you gonna do?" I asked him and he shrugged. "I think Ricky wants me to go out so I'll probably do that" he told me. "Alright well I'll see you later then" I smiled and Cameron picked up my bag. "Be safe" he told me. "I never am" I smiled and Cam held the door open for me and we walked out.

"Growing on you huh?" I chuckled. "Why would you say that?" I gave me a pained look. "He knows we weren't. He wouldn't care anyway" I told him and we got in the car. We got back to his place and kicked our shoes off.

"So what for dinner my love?" He asked. "Can you make pasta?" I asked him. "I can" I heard a voice and I screamed as Eric walked out. "Jesus fucking christ" Cameron put a hand on his heart.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Cameron asked him and Mason walked out behind him along with Matt. "How did you guys get in here?" Cameron threw his hands up.

"That's something you'll never figure out" Mason smiled. "We've been here for like an hour." Matt spoke and sat down on the couch. "Get out" Cameron told them. "Come on" Mason spoke and looked at him. I sat down on a stool and Cameron looked at me.

"There your friends not mine" I held my hands up. "Ouch. Were not friends?" Eric asked. "You know what I mean" I waved him off. "I can make pasta" Eric told me. "Hes very Italian" Matt widened his eyes as he looked at me.

"We wanna know if you wanna come hang out" Eric told us. "A phone call could have worked too" Cameron told him and they all just shrugged. "Its more fun this way. Yes or no cunts?" Mason asked. I looked back at Cameron and he looked at me. I just shrugged and Mason smiled.

"Yeah fine we'll come over" Cameron nodded. "Good. I guess I'll make some pasta. Any requests?" Eric asked me. "No. Just how ever you wanna make it" I shrugged and he smiled.

"Cool" he nodded and they got up. "Like how long are you guys gonna be?" Eric asked as he stood at the door. "Well I need to recover from that heart attack first. Like an hour and we'll be over" Cameron told him. "Cool" he nodded and he led Mason and Matt out.

"I need some better friends" Cameron shook his head. "No there great" I told him. "I'm getting old that could have killed me" he spoke and I smiled. "What are we gonna do for a whole hour" I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows and looked at me. "What ever you want" he started to walk over to me.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now