Part 2: Chapter 4

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A few days after the date with Loki, I was making coffee when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open, expecting it to be Loki.

"Hello," the man at the door said, smiling. It wasn't Loki, but it was...

"Thor!" I said, "What are you doing here?" I was shocked. Thor never came in the mornings.

"What, I can't come to see my best friend whenever I want?" he asked.

"Yes, of course you can, but, um, it's not really a good time.

"Just for a few minutes, please," he said like he was begging me.

"Oh, alright," I said, "but just for a few minutes."

I let him in, and we went to the living room.

"How come you're here so early?"

"I woke up earlier than usual and was bored," he said. 

"Do you want something to drink? Coffee?" I asked him.

"Coffee please," he said. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee.

When I came back, we drank coffee, talked and made jokes until I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the clock. It was already 10 am, which meant Thor was here for over an hour. "Oh, no, I lost track of time,' I thought.

"I'll be right back," I said, trying to cover up the panic in my voice. I opened the door, and there he was, Loki, my boyfriend.

"Hey you," he said, smiling.

"Hey," I said, "Your bro-" I wanted to say Thor was here, but Loki interrupted me with a kiss.

"Hey Rose, I should really get go-" Thor appeared at the doorway and stopped in mid-sentence. Loki and I jumped away from each other.

"Thor I-I'm sorry" I started, but Thor ignored me.

"I need to go," he said.

"And you are coming with me," Thor said, pointing at  Loki and went to the door, "Now."

"I'll see you later," Loki whispered to me before going to his brother who was waiting at the doorway, with

his arms crossed, looking angry. He slammed the door behind him, but not before giving me an angry and disappointed look. I was shocked and sad, still looking at the door with my eyes full of tears, which Thor slammed just a few seconds ago. I didn't know what to do.  

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