Part 1: Chapter 5

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I stayed in the camp, anxiously waiting for Steve to come back, hoping Bucky would return with him. I spent my days helping Peggy and spending time with her. After two days of spending time with her, I figured she was in love with Steve. She was always talking about him and how she hoped he would be alright.


A few days later I was helping Peggy when suddenly, we heard shouting. I ran out with Peggy right behind me. I saw people at the entrance of the camp. They were moving away to let someone through. Peggy and I came closer and saw Steve, and right beside him was Bucky! Behind them were many other people, the ones Steve went to save. But my eyes were on Bucky.

"Bucky!" I exclaimed and ran to him. He spread his arms, and I threw myself into them.

"Bucky, you're alright!" I said when I pulled out. I  looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm alright," he said, he had tears in his eyes as well, and he kissed me.

I don't know how long we were like that, in each other's arms, but when we finally split, there was no one around us, except Steve, who was looking at us with a smile on his face. I let go of Bucky and went to hug Steve.

"Thank you," I whispered to him, "thank you for bringing him back."

"No problem," he said and pulled away, "I think someone wants to hug you, kiss you and be near you and is going to kill me if I don't let you go. So, I'll leave you two alone, for my own good." we all laughed.

"Good for you, Steve," Bucky said. Steve smiled, turned around and went to Peggy's tent. Bucky came to me, took my hand, and we went to his tent. We needed to be alone now. We didn't talk. We just cuddled.

"I really missed you," I said, in what seemed like years.

"When I got home and saw only one letter, I was really scared. When I read Steve's letter, I came here immediately, despite the fact he didn't want me to come. I wanted to go with him to save you, but he didn't let me," I said.

"Since when do you do what he tells you to?" Bucky asked, surprised, "Don't get me wrong, he was right for telling you to stay here."

"He was angry. Did you see him angry now, all muscley?" I asked him, "It was really scary."

"I didn't see him, but I believe you," he said, "But I saw him fighting, and man, he's good."

"Now, I don't want to talk about Steve anymore. I want to enjoy being here, with you," he said and pulled me closer. 

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