Part 2: Chapter 8

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When he kissed me, I didn't feel the rush I felt three years ago. My heart didn't start beating like crazy. If he kissed me like that three years ago, I would definitely get back together with him. But no, I just punched him in the face. I heard a crack, and I think I broke his nose, which was not my intention. But I managed to get him to stop kissing me. He stepped away, holding his nose.

"What the hell?! Why did you just do that?!" he asked.

"You kissed me! Without my permission!"

"You broke my nose!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I just wanted to get you away from me!"

"Well, your wish is granted," he said and stormed out. I heard him slam the door, and he was out. I felt really bad, but I didn't go after him immediately. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I waited for a few days. That's when I set off to his palace to see if he was okay. I didn't even get halfway to the palace when I saw Sif, Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg. 

"Where are you going?" I asked them.

"We are going to get Thor," Volstagg answered.

"Where is he?"

"You don't know?" Sif asked. I shook my head. 

"So, after our little adventure to Jotunheim, Thor was exiled from Asgard. A few days after, Odin fell into odinsleep again and we are not sure if he is going to wake up, and so Loki became the king of Asgard. We asked him if he was going to end Thor's banishment, but he declined. He said, and I quote: 'My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last.' But you know us, we don't care what Loki says. So, we are going."

"Can I come with you?" I asked,  immediately when she finished. They looked at each other. 

"Yeah, why not," Sif said.

"So that's why he was cheerful when he came to me the other day! He became the king of Asgard!" I spoke.

"He came to you? Why?" Hogun asked.

"He wanted to get back together," I said.

"And? What did you say?" they all asked.

"No, of course," I said. We continued riding to the Bifrost in silence.

"Hi, Heimdall," I said when we got there.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"We need to go to Earth," I said.

"You would defy the commands of Loki, our king? Break every oath you have taken as warriors and commit treason to bring Thor back?" he asked us.

"Yes," Sif said.


"So, you will help us?" Sif asked him.

"I am bound by honour to our king. I cannot open the bridge to you," he said.

"What now?" I asked. The Bifrost activated on its own and took us to Earth. 

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