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It all started from 5 years ago when Jay was a teenager, he had asked Sunghoon his neighbor to pretend to be his boyfriend in order to get ride of his stalker at shool .
Sunghoon having already feelings for him he had agreed and planned to confess later.
But Jay broke his heart rejecting his love confession saying he wasn't gay and even if he become one he would never ever date someone as him cause he is not his type.
But this all didn't break Sunghoon's confidence, years passed and he grew up into having the most handsome face and the most attractive body, he succeeded on becoming everyones crush except for one ofcours which is Jay himself,
however he still had no interesset in anyone cause his eyes where discreet only looked and admired one special person "Park Jongseong", while Jay the playful he is managed to break heart repeatedly by dating almost every popular girl and guy in their school except him!! Why ? It's a question he could never get an answer for.

Even tho Jay was born in a catholic family, and changing from strait to bi to gay he still managed to hide everything from them, and sunghoon thought of using it against him

he wanted to punish Jay for being arrogant then laying to him about his sexuslity.

Their main relationship wasn't going good the two always made silly challenges, In the unplanned way ended becoming at the top in everything.
Jay thought Sunghoon was being jealous from him and afraid he will surpass him so he accepted every deal to prove he is the best one out there, until the challenging had become a routine with them becoming more serious turning it into a game of life.

Punishment ♡** { Jayhoon }**♡ Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now