□ My pretty one

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Sunghoon woke up on some noises, it was Sunday why must people wake up so early just to argue about their problems!.

He forced himself up from the bed and headed to the window knowing already who's screams it was.
Pushing the curtains a side peeking at his neighbor's house.

They were yelling again "so noisy "

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They were yelling again "so noisy "

Probably scolding Jay for coming back home drunk last night smelling the alcohol.
'Hah, the same scenario every Sunday morning before they go to church'.

'I worked hard last night I hope you are enjoying the punishment Jayshi' sunghoon smirked to himself
A reminder from last night party?

They were at a night club, the music on full volume and people full of energy were dancing on the DJ beats non stop.

They were at a night club, the music on full volume and people full of energy were dancing on the DJ beats non stop

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Except for Sunghoon who was sitting there looking bored as hell.
Jay and him did hang out with the same groupe of friends, every weekend they would party at a different club.
It's not like Hoon enjoyed the life of night or the crowded places , he just followed them cause it was his only way to stay close from Jay and watch on him, he is his secret guardian.

He peeked at Jay, the later was eyeing every single girl that passed by him.

'I wish I could make those eyes look only at me ' Hoon thought too annoyed

'I wish I could make those eyes look only at me ' Hoon thought too annoyed

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Punishment ♡** { Jayhoon }**♡ Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now