□ I am not leaving you

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Jay opened his eyes waking up in the morning, the first thing he could see was the clear naked chest under him he closed his eyes prying the thing he is imagining now didn't really happen last night, then opened them again looking up and saw that he was lying on Sunghoon body, his eyes widened then looked down noticing Sunghoon's hand resting on his butt while cupping it , he quickly stood up in panick "No!" but one of his feet went stuck with the sheets making him stumble falling on the bed again
"Sunghoon you asswh*l!!"

Sunghoon woke up too on Jay's scream
"Egh, can't you shut up!" He taped his hand on the bed in annoyance, opening his eyes and reached for Jay.
"No don't touch me" pulling him back on his chest to sleep.
But they didn't stop here they kept fighting, one pushed another on the bed

"I hate you get away from me"Untill Jay succeeded unlocking his arms off him and pulled himself up from the bed.
"You egoistic, narcissistic, selfish, bastard" calling sunghoon names and went picking his shirt which was on the floor, wearing it he finally noticed his front body was filled with red marks , they were all hickyies.
"You monster!! What did you do to me exactly !!"
Sunghoon opened his eyes again then smiled seeing his product "Umm, let me recall our night" he stretched his body.
"We kissed passionately"
"Am, and you tasted so good just like I always imagined" Sunghoon with no shame was telling him.
Jay blushed and threw a pillow to his face, but he actually couldn't remember anything and this was so embarrassing.

"Hahaha, your arms were pulling my neck for more not wanting to let go" he continued to tease Jay more
"Stop I don't want to listen anymore !!"
"But don't worry we didn't go farther so you won't get pregnant" Sunghoon was mocking him again.
"Shut up!"
"Chill , and why are you even surprised after sleeping with your boyfriend" he got up from the bed , ruffling his hear
"it's not like this never happened to you before"
"What do you think of me do you think I realy go sleep with everyone I date"
"How should I know ?"
"Oh excuse me I forget you were a player, not one of your relationship lasted longer than 3 days so it's not possible" he was making a joke from him.
"Stop blaming me for everything, You can't deny you took advantage of me last night".

"Take it as a punishment for trying to cheat on me" Sunghoon sat on his bed wearing his socks.
"And why were you that drunk last night? Nobody get drunk in such a short time" he turned to look at Jay.
Jay avoided his eyes.
"What else did that guy gave you huh, drugs?" you know he could go to prison for drugging a teenager""
"He gave me Nothing! Stop assuming and making conclusion on your own!"

"I don't trust you, I am calling the police, I still remember the boy's face perfectly so I will tell them" he stood up and grabbed his phone from somewhere.

"No, no !" Jay jumped on him and made them fall on the bed, trying to snatch the phone
"Ouch!! "
"He only gave me because I asked him" Jay admited
"What did he gave you?" Sunghoon raised his voice.
" It was nothing seriously"
"Stop protecting him!" This pissed sunghoon he couldn't believe how Jay was being careless about it.
"I am not protecting him I am trying to protect myself! Please just don't let anyone find out"
"Jongseong you are just making me want to end you right here" now he really was losing his cool.
"You can't do anything to me you said you loved me! "

Out of anger Sunghoon held his jaw firmly and pushed his head down to the bed and went on top of him " what should I do to you now? you really deserve a punishment!" Jay was shocked was sunghoon going to hit him.
"If my damn heart didn't love you that much I would have beaten you up, one for trying to cheat on me, two for taking drugs illegally".

Sunghoon let go of him and sat properly on the bed next to him "aaaeghh!!" he let un irritated scream.
This love was driving him crazy.

"I am sorry, I- I am going home" Jay felt guilty he thought Sunghoon wouldn't want to see his face again, he dressed up and rushed down the stairs.

But this isn't what Sunghoon wanted
"Stupid" Sunghoon followed behind him.
He spotted Jay at the main door sitting on the floor his face on his knees hiding it.
He probably couldn't find the keys to open the door.
"Jongseong ?"
"W-hy doesn't this door open " he was crying, he didn't want to show his face to Sunghoon because he is aware he had disappointed the person that loved him the most.
Sunghoon bent down to his level "Jongseong get up!"
"I want to go home"
"Can you be a man for once and stop crying ? "
This didn't work.

"Baby, look I am sorry I know I went harsh on you"-"please let's get back to my room before my mom wake up".

"Sunghoon you really shouldn't be nice to me ,you now can tell everything to my parents I really deserve this"
"No, look at me I won't let anyone hurt you I promised I will protect you didn't I ?"-"Just promise me one thing you won't meet that guy again huh? ".he talked in a more caring way.
Jay nodded in agreement.
"Come here" Sunghoon hugged him and kissed his head few times.

They staied in the same position until Jay spoke again.
"Sunghoon I am sorry"
"For what? "
"For breaking your heart back then...
for being annoying and always giving you troubles..
I really don't know how you can still love me after all"
'Because my love for you has no ending and I will do anything so I won't lose you'



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I am sorry for the ending if it is boring 😶
Thanks for reading♡

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