□ Don't think I will go easy on you

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It was Monday

Sunghoon had to go to school, right now he was peeking through his house door waiting till his neighbor Jay step outside before him.

Then he showed out too walking behind him, it was better not to show up to him this time, Jay for sure won't forget what happened saturday night easily.

Jay was walking down the road hands in pockets earphons in both ears listening to music.

Jay was walking down the road hands in pockets earphons in both ears listening to music

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He was going to cross the road without looking left or right

'Stupid does he want me to witness him getting into a car accident!' its at this moment sunghoon wish to be holding the boys hand abd lead him safely everywhere.

Still sunghoon realy loved watching him from far, he liked everything about him, the way he walk with those sexy legs and shake that booty  the way he stare with those dangereux eyes, his careless and arrogant self , just everything about him attract hoon!.
And how he wished they would walk hand in hand together to school.

Sunghoon was lost in his thought daydreaming about Jay, not noticing the later when he suddenly turned his head  half round and actually saw him!.

"Yeah!! " he screamed toward him.

'Shit ! he doesn't look happy'

He sure is going to beat him up to get revenge for the way he played him that night.
"Hehe, hi Jongseong baby how are you doing ?" Sunghoon waved playfully.

"I will show you just come here!!" he now turned his whole body and started running in his direction.
"Ho ho calm down " Hoon making a stop signe with his hands, he also started running in the opposite direction, it was better to escape, now he had to take a different way to school.

"If I catch you, you are dead!! " he was still chasing him.
"Hahaha" Sunghoon instead was having fun.

But this was so tiering for sunghoon he already jogged this morning like usual in order to maintain his body shape perfectly and look attractive in someone's eyes whom now want his death.
He sure won't have enough energy in him to keep up the rest of the day .

'The guy I love is running after me why should I run from him, agh!' He talked to himself and decided he should hide behind one of the houses before Jay could catch him.

Too bad he didn't get unnoticed.
"Gotcha!!" Jay wrapped one arm around his neck pulling him down.
"Ah" but Sunghoon reacted quickly and aimed for his leg lifting them up.

Punishment ♡** { Jayhoon }**♡ Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now