□You can't get ride of me

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Having never been in a serious relationship it was all awkward between them at the beginning.
Jay didn't initiate the hugging nor the kissing, he also pulled away in the middle of their every kiss.
He just couldn't get used to the taste of it, something was holding him back from returning the same love.

Sunghoon on the other hand didn't mind it he was actualy taking good care of him, he stopped threatening him and enjoyed himself being his boyfriend just like he always wished to be.
But Jay was kind of annoyed.
He was used to being a player he only cared on having fun, too afraid of being in love, love for him was a prison, he was always afraid of not being loved enough by his partner then end trapped in one sided love.
He knew from the start that Sunghoon was too sincere with his feeling which meant he wanted a long term relationship with him demanding Jay to be as seriousas him.

But how to make sure Sunghoon's feelings will last ? And what if he is trying to trick him to get revenge on him ?.

"What if I love him back and he cheat on me ? Then I will be the one played on" Jay was feeling troubled by all these thoughts.

Now he was full of insecurity, in order to reassure his curiosity, he started questioning Sunghoon everytime he had left somewhere, calling him even at night.
"Where are you going?" "what are you doing show me to believe you "
"Why were you late " ..etc
Sunghoon actually was surprised this is the first time Jay was showing him other faces, He was showing him his vulnerable side.
He didn't mind it and felt he was being cute, a curious Jay means he care about him.

But still Jay really hated the idea of Sunghoon being his boyfriend and how he was going to top him and acte as the dominante boyfriend like , making everyone ship them more and fantasize about them, now he had more stalkers following him around asking him stuff about their relationship, taking photos of them whenever they are together, they even created un account where all their fans posted about them.

"This is sick !!" Jay was going to tear his hair off from frustration.

Even tho Sunghoon was the most ideal type of boyfriend for everyone in their school Jay just never saw him in that romantic way, he did want him to become apart of his life like a best friend or a brother in low or something since sunghoon had a little sister, but not as a boyfriend, but Sunghoon's persistent self, was forcing him now, like why ? Why must he chose him?.
There was more than two thousand students in their school, and he had to pick him out of all of them!.
Whining was no use
He decided to find a way to end everything between them before it gets too fare.
The whole day Jay was peeking at Sunghoon during their class
Whenever he heard him talking and giggling with someone he would turn his head to check if they were being intimate.
'You think you are better than me, I am going to watch you until I catch you with with someone'.

Sunghoon wasn't that oblivious he already noticed there was a problem with Jay's attitude

When It was time to go home
Jay requested sunghoon to go first because he had to ask the teacher's help with something and was going to finish late so there was no need for him to stay, which he lied to him. Just to avoid holding hands the long way home which is cringe and embarrassing .

Sunghoon agreed without questioning farther he is not the one who has trust issues.
He went out the school and headed straight to home.

Jay followed after him after couple minutes and stood at their school gate sneakily making sure his guy walked away.

Jay followed after him after couple minutes and stood at their school gate sneakily making sure his guy walked away

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before following him too.

The whole way home Sunghoon felt someone was watching him, he sighed then decided he should take another road to his house and trick the person who was after him.

The first thing to do was to start running, it wasn't his first time since some girls who had crush on him had stalked him to know his place but he always managed to get ride of them in this way since he is a good runner.

Anyways he succeeded this time too.

Jay who was climbing the stairs to his room his head down, abit disappointed.
was startled to see Sunghoon there
"W-what are you doing here ?" Abit surprised. no he was thrilled

"Baby, where were you ? " Sunghoon asked him calmly

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"Baby, where were you ? " Sunghoon asked him calmly.
Jay gulpet "I was .." he hated himself for being this flustered and trued to think of good lie, and how could he tell the truth of him stalking him and how  he lost his trace then decided to go home.

While sunghoon knew it was Jay the one following him the whole time
"I know it was you behind me"

"You wanted to see if I would cheat on you when you are not there ?"
Now Jay was shocked how did he find out !

He quickly regained his posture and clinched his fist "Right! I am sure you have a secret hiding from everyone and I will make sure to find it and threaten you just like you did to me!" Jay didn't hesitate one bit and made it clear between them.

"Hahaha" Sunghoon laughed as if Jay had told him something funny.
"Jongseong you are the cutest, silliest boyfriend ever"

"But one thing you should keep in mind
" he stood up to face him
"Everybody is not a player like you"
"And if you have problems trusting me then I won't too, you know why? Because you may be hiding something else from me and you think I may be doing the same".

"This time it will be me watching on you"
Sunghoon leaned next to his ears "I will make sure to know even your underwear brand if I need to"
"mmwah" Then he gave him a long kiss on the cheek.

Jay closed his eyes tightly
He didn't intend this to happen now Sunghoon was going to put more pressure on him.
"Let's go now"
"W-where to ?"
"We are going to have a sleeping party at mine "
"Heh, My mom won't let this happen " Jay too confident thought he would get ride of Sunghoon this time.
"I already asked your mother's permission, now let's go "

Jay opened his mouth in disbelieve his mother was being biased, if it was him the one asking her she would refuse automatically.
'What else can you do Park Sunghoon'


Punishment ♡** { Jayhoon }**♡ Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now