□ I will teach you what love is

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As soon as Jay stepped inside Sunghoon's befroom he started complaining

"You said we were going to have a sleeping party ?"
"Then why there is no one but us ! "
"Exactly "
"Sunghooon !!" too annoyed, but Jay finaly noticed his surrounding

"You said we were going to have a sleeping party ?""Yes!""Then why there is no one but us ! ""Exactly ""Sunghooon !!" too annoyed, but Jay finaly noticed his surrounding

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Sunghoon had prepared everything in the most romantic way.
He had decorated the bed in a such a magical way.

 He had decorated the bed in a such a magical way

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"Sunghoon.. did you prepare all this for ...?"
"For you" Sunghoon turned Jay to face him
Jay was speechless, never in life someone had done this or anything similar for him, now he felt really special in Sunghoon eyes.
"Do you like it ?" Sunghoon's with a faint smile his hand reached up and gently caressed the long side of Jay's face with the back of his fingers, then held his chin at the end, his touches were so tender
Jay didn't react not wanting to show his weak side but his heart was beating faster than usual.
He become a stone only his eyes kept following Sunghoon's hand movements not even daring to blink, thrilled of what sunghoon might be doing next.

He kind of knew what was sunghoon's intention from all this he was going to make him fall in his love.
Now Sunghoon was couple inches fare from kissing him, but Jay ..
"Sunghoon I .."
"Yes?" He whispered next to jays lips
"..I don't want to be here " jay ruined the moment by moved away and turned his heels walking in the door's direction , opening it to leave.
But Sunghoon's hand quickly reached from behind closing it again.
Jay's hand was still on the door's handle trying to open it "Let me leave" he pleaded.
And Sunghoon's hand was also on the door, he leaned closer moving his lips to Jays ear "You are not going anywhere tonight " this sent shivers down Jays spine.
"Now I want you to relax, just close your eyes, and feel what I am about to do".
Sunghoon's other hand slided on Jay's waist and moved to his abdomen gently pulling him closer to his own body, Jay didn't show any sign of protest this time.

Sunghoon's smashed his lips on the back of jays neck leaving small kisses the long of it making little moans escape his mouth.
His reaction meant he was enjoying the feeling hoon gave him, which made Sunghoon smile, he finally have jay between his arm and he will handle him in the most sweet way for sure, he let go of the door and held jay from his chest closer to him, while his mouth moved on jays small ear to bit it making Jay's eyes wide open.

Jay reaction was violent
He hit sunghoon as nd pulled of his gripe
Then turned to face him

"Jongseong ...what's wrong now ?" He asked calmly, despite his frowning face and tried approaching jay again.

"Don't,  Don't get near me !!
But Sunghoon didn't listen
"No!!" Jay panicked and kicked him hard in the b*lls using one of his knees, then opened the door and escaped from there.
While Sunghoon landed on the floor trying to manage the pain.
When Sunghoon recovered he stood up quickly and went to Jay's house nocking their door repeatedly.

Jay's mom rushed opening for him
"Sunghoon! what is wrong did something happen ?"
"Where. is Jay ?" He was catching his breath a little.
"I thought he was with you , like where he should be ?"
"Ok, I think I may know were he went now"
Then he started running again.

"Sunghoon" Jays mom called after him
But he was already fare to hear her

'as long as you are with me I won't allow  you to go back to your old habits'

He finally arrived to his destination, paid the taxi driver and went in. Inside the club where they han lg very often.

Today wasn't the day where the club would be full with people, so it was easier for Sunghoon to find him.

He went searching between the people trying to spot where Jay was.
The later wasn't sitting anywhere, he may be in the dancing floor since he loved dancing.
But no, no trace of Jay there too.
The last chance was him being in the restrooms ' Please be there'
He rushed again, and finally Jay was seen
"Jay! " he shouted to make himself audible
It seemed he was occupied with some guy who had his hands all around him
'Already cheating' which made Sunghoon go mad.
Jay noticed him too his eyes widened , Sunghoon walked toward them looking angry.
"W-what are you doing her..?"
Yet he was pulled from the boy's arm easily, being abit drunk he couldn't protest.

"Come with me now !" Sunghoon ordered
"Let me go I don't want to be with you " Jay whined and tried to stop him.
" Jongseong!" He stopped " I understand you were scared back there b.."
"Hey! he said he doesn't want to go with you" the guy interrupted to stop them, pulling Jay from his other arm.

Hoon glared at him"I am his boyfriend so mind your own business " he sower if he get in-between them one more time he won't regret what he will do to him.

"But he prefer to stay with me here!what are you gonna do about that ?" The look on the boy's face was challenging him, already testing his patience.
Sunghoon didn't wait a seconde then his fist landed on the boy's jaw making him stumble backward.

Jay was shocked "Sunghoon !"

"Let's go! "
They rushed out the club before they get into a big fight, stopping a taxi outside and moving away from there as fast as possible.

"Why did you follow me to there" they started arguing in the car.
"I can smell the alcohol coming from you "
"I didn't want you to come, how many times should I reject you to make you understand !"
"How much did you drink ?" Sunghoon wasn't taking his words seriously.

"Stop changing the topic!!" Jay too annoyed
"You seem drunk I won't argue with you on this one ".

The car stopped allowing them to step down.
Sunghoon paid the driver then held Jay's hand dragging him.
"Where are we going ?"

"To finish where we stopped "
Jay closed his eyes in annoyance, he had no energy left in him, too exhausted after running away and getting drunk, he just wanted to sleep now.
Now they were again in Sunghoon's bedroom.
Sunghoon noticed how tired Jay was, he made him lie on the bed, and went on top of him
Jay closed his eyes thinking he could get some sleep now
While Sunghoon's hand was on his face moving away the hair from Jays eyes admiring his face from close
" Stoop, I want to sleep" Jay whined then pushed his hand away.

" This night is not only yours,
It ours thats why ... I won't let you end it here, not before I make you taste my love".
His thumb went rubbing Jay's lips before cupping them in his, kissing him.

Punishment ♡** { Jayhoon }**♡ Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now