□Now you know your limits

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Jay still didn't take Sunghoon's threatening seriously and the later kept coming to their house to remind him of it, Jay couldn't decline his visits afraid his mom will sense there is something wrong.
"Please Sunghoon why must you ruin our friendship, why do you have to be in a relationship to be happy with me ?" Jay was trying to convince him change his mind.
But Sunghoon had cornered Jay enough that day leaving him no other option cause Jay was still afraid of his sexuslity being revealed to his parents so he agreed to Sunghoon's demand.
But pleaded him to give him some time and not tell anyone they were dating now.

The past few days Jay was trying too hard to avoid and stop interacting with anyone at school, too scared from Sunghoon getting the wrong idea and not keeping his promise.

They were having a break now and all his classmates were chating about how their school football team will compete with other schools, and since Sunghoon was a member of the team they were all around his head .

"If we win I will get a first kiss from a special person " he bite his lips
"You are what !"
"Oppa do you have a boyfriend ?"
"I do now" he looked at Jay's direction.
"Omg he so lucky"
"Who is he?"
"It's a secret"
Jay heard them and looked behind, his eyes met Sunghoon's and quickly averted looking, turning his gaze down on his table, probably playing with the pin in his hands.

Suddenly Sunghoon's phone made a sound.
It was a message
He unlocked his phone

Meet me down the stairs now !

'Your order is my command princess'

Jay stood up and went out their classroom, while Sunghoon waited a minute then followed behind him .
Sunghoon stopped on top of the stairs

Gazing down at the boy he extremely love who was also staring back at him

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Gazing down at the boy he extremely love who was also staring back at him.
He had no excitement in his eyes, and didn't smile abit the whole day, he looked kind of sad and panicky.
Maybe threatening him was a good idea.

'I didn't want to love you that way but you are making me want to hurt you everytime I see you'. Sunghoon was thinking
'Am I loving you in the wrong way , am I being selfish now ? I don't know all I know is I want you to become mine not someone else's.

'For now let's see what you have got to say'.

Jay was waiting for him in the school hall, his eyes watching him until he stepped the last level

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Jay was waiting for him in the school hall, his eyes watching him until he stepped the last level.
Sunghoon walked to where Jay was, and when they were finally facing eachother

"You are enjoying yourself I see " Jay spoke

"Why? are you not ? But you usually love playing the boyfriend game so much so why aren't you?"
Jay's eyes lowered down he played with his fingers, he had dated many and many of the students in their school, so it wasn't a surprise if someone thought about him as a player.

"About what you told up there " Jay shrugged it and got to the main point he wanted to talk about.

"You mean about the kissing part?"-"Why? do want your kiss now ?" He teased.
"I don't !"Jay looked away.
"Its not your choice anyways, you heard me If I win I will get my kiss " wanting to end the discussion here
"No you won't get anything from me!! Please sunghoon I am not ready" he pleaded

Jay continued "I hate it, don't play with me, I don't want to be apart of your bet"

Sunghoon sighed "You will get used to it, it's not your first anyways"

"I SAID I DON'T WANT IT FROM YOU!!" Jay screamed in anger

The later's eyes checked around them "Should I kiss you here infront of everyone to make you shut up?" He threatened

Jay too afraid was going to walk away

"Come with me" but sunghoon gripped his arm dragging him into the restrooms pushing him inside.

"Enough let go ! " Jay pulled his arm to ajust his sleeve.
Then saw hoon's finger rising on his face
"Listen carefully I am not like the others I won't wait till you chose when and where to play with my feelings do you hear me ?!"
"I am tierd of watching you play with others feeling, and I will put you in your place"
"I won't let you controle me like this" Jay out of anger was going to punch him but the later stopped his wrist middle way and pulled him into a forced kiss.

"Sunghoon no-ummh"Jay tried pushing him, but Hoon had already captured his lips between his.

Jay's other hand reached up and slapped him on the face breaking the kiss.

He then wipped his mouth, and tears rolled down "This is why I never wanted to date you"
"And you know what! you are a lier too you don't love me you are just getting revenge".

"You say I don't love you ?!! Then I will let you deal with your parents alone " he turned his heels to walk out.

"No! no you can't do this to me" Jay quickly stood infront of him spreading his arms to block his way.
"Step aside" hoon ordered
"No!" he suddenly hugged Sunghoon tightly his head on his shoulder.
Sunghoon's hand on both side of his waist tried to pull him off .
It was amazing how he could change from being angry and arrogant to a pleading one.
'Totaly an actor'.

"So you are scared now huh? you don't want your parents to force you leave here since it's your favored play field" Sunghoon mocked him.

"If my parents found out.."
"They will send me away somewhere in the mountains into some privete catholic school then you will never be able to see me". He lift his head up to look at Sunghoon eyes " You won't let this happen to me ha ? " Sunghoon looked emotionless not giving him any hope.

'Such a manipulative '
Jay knew Sunghoon's weakness and was going to use it against him.
But is this really what he wants to happen, to send Jay away from him?

"Actually it is better than watching you loving someone else infront of my eyes".
Sunghoon's own word reminded him of all the times Jay had broke his heart.
"No! I don't want to go there" Jay sobbed, his head again on Sunghoon's shoulder wetting it with his tears.

"Why are you crying !! If you don't want this to happen you know what you have to do, and you have till Saturday night to decide" he gave him the last chance.

And pulled Jay's head up by the nape to make them face eachother"But remember this one, If you become my boyfriend I will protect you but if you don't I will ruin your life park Jongseong" Then pushed him to the side walking to the exit.

Before Sunghoon could step out from there
"Fine!" Jay already chosed

Sunghoon stopped in his place
"I will do as you say" he surrounded
"I will be your boyfriend only and this time it will be for real" thinking it was the best decision for now.

I am sorry there is alot of drama in this chapter 🥲

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