Chapter 3

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Steve had just gotten word about Peggy's death and he had to leave and go to her funeral. But before he left he had to tell Willa he was leaving.

He knocked on her door trying to hold back tears. When she opened the door the first thing that came to Steve was a smile. Willa just had the effect on him and he really liked it.

"Hey I'll be leaving for awhile... Peggy kind of... Passed." Steve says.

"Oh Steve Im sorry." Willa says and gives him a hug.

Steve just rested his head on her shoulder and for the first time in along time he felt something he hadnt. He felt like he was where he was suppose to be.

"Look with the Accords and stuff... I cant sign them and yet I cant just walk away from the world when they need help... I..." Steve says.

"Hey. Forget about the Accords okay. They arent important right now. What you need to do is go and pay your respects to Peggy. The Accord drama can wait." Willa says.

Steve looked at her and placed his hand on her cheek. How could he even think about leaving her here when he knew Tony would make her sign those papers.

"Willa..." Steve says.

"Hey man. We gotta go." Sam says.

"Right..." Steve says.

"Hey it will be okay Steve." Willa says.

She gave him another hug and then let him go. When he walked out Sam turned to her with a smirk on his face before walking away.

When Steve went to the funeral he had to say goodbye and had alittle surprise that Sharon was Peggy's niece.

After the funeral was over Steve staid alone for awhile until Natasha showed up.

Steve had told her about how he thought Peggy was gone. But he knew that the world doesnt stop and he had to know who signed the Accords.

"So who else signed?" Steve asks.

"Tony, Rhodey, Vision." Nat says.

"Clint?" Steve questions.

"Says he's retired." Nat says.

"Wanda?" Steve asks.

"TBD." Nat says to him.

"And before you ask Tony is trying everything in his power to make Willa sign. But she wont and now he has her on close watch. Literally right by his side." Nat says.

"What?" Steve questions.

"He says she needs the Accords cause they can protect her and that she should grow up, sign the Accords because Starks do whats best and dont quit. And he is keeping her close to him so you dont make her choose wrong." Nat says.

"Right, because she doesnt have a mind of her own? Willa will make the choice based off of how she feels and how she sees this situation." Steve says.

"I know that. I have learned from personal experience that you cant make Willa Stark do anything she doesnt want to." Nat says.

"And if Tony keeps pushing her she might only side against him. I say this because I need her to be okay Nat. I need her to be safe and thats all that matters to me." Steve says.

"Steve..." Nat says.

"Look I need you to tell her that. Because we both know Tony wont let me near her unless I sign. Just please tell her that for me." Steve says.

"I will. Look Im off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet. Just because its the path of least resistance doesnt mean its the wrong path. Staying together is more important then how we stay together." Nat says.

"What are we giving up to do it? Im sorry Nat. I cant sign it." Steve says.

Nat knew that along she just wanted Steve to have someone with him. She gave him a hug before leaving to the signing.

Things were going fine at the UN, but then something terrible happened. The building was bomb and the moment it happened NEWS broke.

At the Compound Willa saw the News and it was said that it was the Winter Solider. The moment Willa heard this she knew something was wrong.

"Willa lets go." Tony says making her get up.

"Go where?" Willa asks.

"Dont worry about it and come with me. Now." Tony says.

Willa went with her father and they got on to the jet taking them only he knows where.

The news played on the jet and they kept saying it was Bucky Barnes, The Winter Solider. And each time they said it Willa got the sense there was some sort of lie.

In London, Steve was talking with Sharon. Was asking about her and Peggy and how they were related. Sam showed up to show Steve the news.

News that said that Bucky was the one who did it. Sharon got Sam and Steve to Vienna. And Steve had made a call to Nat letting him know not to go after Bucky. Saying that if he did he was be arrested.

"Let me guess she told you stay out of it." Sam says.

"He'd do it for me

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"He'd do it for me." Steve says.

"In 1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people who shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me." Sam says.

Sharon then came to them giving Steve some paper that said where Bucky was most likely. She gave it to them first so Steve could have a head start on Bucky. But would the head start be enough?

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