Chapter 7

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The whole building was shut down on power and everyone in the building was freaking out. Bucky was down with the doctor man who asked him about his home.

When Bucky didnt respond he brought out the red book. A book Bucky knew all too well. Then Zemo started reading the book saying all the trigger words.

Bucky was trying to fight it, but he couldnt and once he broke free he was in the WinterSolider mode.

He then asked for the date he was trying to get for so long and since Bucky had to comply he most likely told him.

Steve and Sam made it down to where Bucky was taken and saw many fallen men on the ground. Zemo was faking being hurt and Steve was beyond pissed.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Steve asks shoving Zemo up against the wall.

"To see an empire fall." Zemo says.

Right after he said that Sam was attacked by the WinterSolider. After Sam was thrown down by Bucky, Steve began to fight off Bucky himself.

And as he did so Bucky then shoved him down the elevator. Not even looking back and ready to escape.

Sam slowly woke up and saw Zemo looking down the elevator. When he said something Zemo started running off.

Sam went after him, but when he did he bumped into Willa.

"Where's Steve?" Willa asks.

"His buddy shoved him down the elevator and I need to go after that doctor." Sam says.

"Okay. Best of luck." Willa says.

She gave him a hug which threw him off for a moment and then he went after Zemo again. Not knowing Willa had hugged him to place something on him.

Back with everyone else they were trying to evacuate everyone do to the fact that Bucky was loose and that meant people were in trouble.

"Please tell me you brought a suit?" Nat asks Tony.

"Sure did its a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two button

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"Sure did its a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two button. Im an active-duty non-combatant." Tony says to her.

"Follow me." Sharon says running passed them.

As Sam was chasing Zemo out, Willa had made it to the where they were before and saw the broken elevator door.

"Steve? You down there?" Willa asks.

"Yeah.. Just a sec. Im coming up." Steve says.

Steve used his strength and started pulled himself up and out of the elevator.

Up above Bucky was fighting everyone who came after him. Which had also included Tony, Nat, Sharon, and T'Challa. But they all werent strong enough to stop Bucky as he made his move to the roof for escape.

Sam though had made it out, but lost Zemo because of the crowd of people running. After Steve pulled himself up he was glad to see that Willa was okay.

"Steve there isnt much time. My guess is he is trying to leave." Willa says.

"You arent wrong. I need to find him, but I need alittle time. I need you to do something for me." Steve says.

"What?" Willa asks.

"I need you to make an Earthquake. Keep the whole building shaking for at least 2 minutes." Steve says.

"What? I cant do that. We are in a city and if I do it to long the building might collapse." Willa says.

"Wills Im the only one who can move with the shakes of a Earthquake. No one else can which means Bucky wouldnt be able to move as fast. Please Willa. I know the Earthquake scares you the most, but Im trusting you. Please." Steve says.

Willa looked up at him he really needed it there was know question about it. So she began to use her powers making the whole building shake.

"Thank you." Steve says.

He went off and since he knew what to do he was able to go fast. Everyone else though was unable to stay balanced and that included Bucky was had made it to the roof.

He though moved slowly, but he couldnt and after two minutes the shaking stopped letting Bucky walk again. He had made it to the helicopter and started to make it go.

But Steve had got there and grabbed the helicopter bringing it down and holding on for dear life pulling it back to the platform.

Once the helicopter was down Bucky reached his hand out and choked Steve, but Steve pushed the helicopter over knocking them into the water and Bucky then hit his head.

Steve had to help him out of the water and get him somewhere safe fast before anyone found them.

Willa was trying to act as if she didnt just make that Earthquake, but he father got to her and was very upset.

"What the hell did you do?" Tony ask angrily.

"I..." Willa says.

"You could of crashed the building to the ground. What were you thinking?" Tony asks her.

"Oh I know nothing. You werent thinking. You just did whatever you wanted. You will sign the god damn Accords and then you're on the next flight out of here and suspended from the team." Tony says before walking off.

"Yeah thats not happening." Willa says to herself.

She knew what she had to do and she knew what it meant, but in order to do it, she might have to manipulate someone into helping her.

That someone being Sharon Carter and the helping is for them to be stealing Steve's shield from the government.

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