Chapter 13

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Willa was now at the Compound basically alone. Since Vision is staying at the hospital with Rhodey. Willa didnt know why, but for some reason she felt like another change will be coming her way.

She knew Steve no matter the outcome of the battle would not be allowed back. At least she gave him one kiss even if that meant she wouldnt be able to do it again.

Willa's mind tended to wander to Steve and she wanted him to be safe. She was hoping her father will help and maybe after everything together they could find a way to get the others out.

Willa hated that she was the only one from Steve's side that now wasnt locked up or being hunted. She felt guilty for being able to somewhat be free.

Steve and Bucky had made it to where they needed to be. It was up to them to find the Doctor man and stop a war before it starts.

But as they got in there was a sound behind them making them be cautious. The elevator door opened and it was the IronMan.

"You seem alittle defensive." Tony says.

"Its been a long day." Steve says.

"At ease, Soldier. Im not currently after you." Tony says to Bucky.

"Then why are you here?" Steve asks.

"Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea Im here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." Tony says.

"That sound like alot of paperwork. Its good to see you Tony." Steve says.

"You too, Cap. Oh and by the way I thought you would like to know. Willa is okay, she's back at the Compound." Tony says.

"Thats good." Steve says.

"Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop it." Tony says to Bucky.

Steve had Bucky lower the gun and the three of them went in more. At first there was nothing and then they found the room where the group was.

But none of them were alive because Zemo had killed them. Zemo was telling them they died in their sleep.

He was telling them about how he lost everyone and then he began to play a tape which got Tony's attention.

The video was of his parents crash and a certain solider. It showed Bucky killing his father by hitting him in the face. Before going over to his mother and chocking the life out of her. Bucky making it look like an accident before shooting the camera.

Tony wanted to kill Bucky right then and there but Steve stopped him.

"Tony.. Tony." Steve says.

"Did you know?" Tony asks Steve

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"Did you know?" Tony asks Steve.

"I didnt know it was him." Steve says.

"Dont bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?" Tony asks.

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