Chapter 11

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Well Willa had just been knocked down and injured by her own father and that really pushed Steve over the edge and made him want to fight Tony even more.

Well Willa had just been knocked down and injured by her own father and that really pushed Steve over the edge and made him want to fight Tony even more

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Everyone was fight each other and in each others faces. Steve was more the happy to knock Tony down.

 Steve was more the happy to knock Tony down

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"How could you do that?" Steve questions.

"She was in the way." Tony says.

"She was just trying to help." Steve says.

"No she was just trying to make herself be right. Like all the time. She always does that and makes everyone adore her in the end." Tony says.

"Willa isnt like that." Steve says.

"She's a Stark." Tony says.

"She may be a Stark, but unlike you she isnt a selfish one." Steve says.

For some reason the pissed Tony off even more that the fight between them was even crazier.

Willa just wanted to get out of there and go as far away as she could. So when she stood up she was once again knocked down as Wanda had accidentally thrown Nat into her.

"Really?" Willa questions.

"She threw me." Nat says.

"Yeah I got that." Willa says.

"You okay?" Nat asks.

"No. Im pissed off." Willa says standing back up.

Willa was down with this she couldnt stand it any longer. She didnt want to fight, but now she had now choice.

"Willa please. I dont want to hurt you." Rhodey says.

"I know. And Im sorry." Willa says.

She used the blast of wind and aimed it at him knocking him into Tony and knocking them both down.

"You really pissed her off." Rhodey says.

"You handle the others. I got her." Tony says.

Willa moved out of the way as her father was aiming for her. She aimed a fire blast at him and then some water. And after she knocked him back she ran off to help the others.

Steve was fighting Spiderman off  and after he did he went to check on Willa. Both not seeing one another they bumped into each other.

Willa grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the way so they could be out of sight.

"Hey you okay?" Steve questions.

"Yeah. Im okay. But they wont stop. You have to get out of here." Willa says.

"She's right. That guy's probably in Siberia by now." Bucky says.

"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you get to the jet." Steve says.

"No you get to the jet. Both of you. The rest of us arent getting out of here." Sam says.

"As much as I hate to admit it... If we're gonna win this won, some of us might have to lose it." Clint says.

"This isnt the real fight, Steve." Sam says.

"All right, Sam. Whats the play?" Steve asks.

"We need a diversion. Something big." Sam says.

"I got something kinda big. But I cant hold it very long. On my signal run like hell. And if I tear myself in have dont come back for me." Scott says.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky questions.

"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asks.

"I do it all the time. I mean once. In a lab. Then I passed out." Scott says.

For a moment know one knew what he was going to do until he then grew very very big.

"I guess that the signal." Steve says.

"Yeah.. Now go." Willa says.

"What? Im not leaving you here after..." Steve says.

"You dont have a choice, Steve. You have to. The mission is more important then me." Willa says.

"No." Steve says.

"Go. I'll be okay." Willa says.

"Willa I..." Steve says.

But before he could say anything Willa cut him off with a kiss. Once they pulled part she shoved him the other way and ran off to help Clint and the others.

Steve now really didnt want to leave her, but Bucky grabbed his arm forcing him to go.  As Steve was leaving she noticed her father was on his way after Steve so she lifted up part of the ground and throw it at him.

"Willa a swear to god you better stop it." Tony says.

"Or what? What will you do? Knock me over again? Is that what you'll do?" Willa asks sarcastically.

"I dont care about the damn Accords. All I care about is an innocent person going away for something they didnt do and you cant see that." Willa says making the heat turn up on his suit.

"Willa..." Tony says.

His IronMan mask opening and Willa could see what the heat was doing to him. Her father was overheating and was having a hard time breathing.

"Oh my god." Willa says stopping her power.

She looked at him right before Spiderman kicked her down and webbed the now unconscious girl to the ground.

Tony looked at his passed out daughter for a moment before joining Rhodey into taking AntMan down.

Steve was able to get to the jet with Bucky and now they were flying away as Tony and Rhodey were following after them.

Vision aimed for Sam but accidentally knocked Rhodey down instead. Tony had followed for Rhodey who was crashed and Tony has even knocked Sam down after the innocent.

Steve and Bucky had got away, Rhodey was hurt, and Willa will now be sent away for breaking law along with the rest of Cap's team. But they did what was right... Didnt they?

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