Chapter 4

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Steve had to whatever he could to get to Bucky before others did. He couldnt let his friend die over something he may or may not have done.

Bucky tho was on his own just getting some plums that will help with his memory when he saw some man look at him and run.

Bucky saw the post and knew he had to get his stuff and leave before anyone could come for him.

But when he arrived him he saw someone he knew even though he tried to pretend that he didnt know him.

"Do you know me?" Steve asks.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky says.

"I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." Steve says.

"I wasnt in Vienna. I dont do that anymore." Bucky says.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Steve says.

"Thats smart. Good strategy." Bucky says as they heard footsteps.

"This doesnt have to end in a fight, Buck." Steve says.

"It always ends in a fight." Bucky says taking off the glove that covered his metal hand.

"You pulled me from the river. Why?" Steve asks.

"I dont know." Bucky says.

"Yes, you do." Steve says.

Before he could say anything bombs were then thrown into the room. And then some started shooting at them. When some men came through the window Bucky fought one when another almost shot him, but Steve knocked him down.

"Buck, stop. You're gonna kill someone." Steve says as Bucky flipped him over.

"Im not going to kill anyone." Bucky says grabbing out his backpack and throwing it on the rooftop across the way.

More men started to break through shooting and attacking Bucky so he fought back. He was taking down one after the other. But there were too many.

Sure he was fighting them off, but Steve knew he needed some help. Steve was doing everything he could to help his friend out.

A man went to shoot at Bucky so Steve threw his shield at the man so Bucky could get away. Bucky then jumped down a couple floors. His metal arm caught the railing and he pulled himself up.

He then ran out of the building jumping on to the other. He grabbed his backpack and began to run with some cat like man knocked him down.

This man is a cat like suit began to fight at Bucky like he was angry with him for some reason. Steve saw when he too the  jumped onto the same roof.

A helicopter then began shooting at Bucky and the cat like man, but the suit wasnt getting any damage. Steve had Sam knock the helicopter out of the way some they would stop shooting at them.

The small distraction was all Bucky needed to kick the man away and start to get away. He jumped down the building, but the guy wasnt too far behind him.

Steve jumped down as well as another helicopter started shooting at Bucky, but Bucky had then jumped into the underground street tunnel.

He ran through the traffic being chased by the unknown dude, Steve not to far behind them and the police not to far behind Steve.

The police were telling Steve to stop and stand down, but instead of listening he jumped onto the windshield and then got the man out of the car before heading after Bucky himself.

Steve drove the car faster and was starting to get close to Bucky when the cat like man jumped on the car and held on. For a moment Steve tried to get him off, but it wasnt working.

"Sam, I cant shake this guy." Steve says.

"Right behind you." Sam says entering the tunnel way as well.

More police were behind them and there wasnt a place to really go cause they were also in front. But Bucky quickly moved to the side where they couldnt check him and only Steve had followed him that way.

Bucky knew he had to get away faster and to do that he stole and man's motorcycle and drove it down another tunnel area. Where Steve followed him as well as Sam following them as well.

The cat like man jumped off Steve's car and onto Bucky who caught him and choked him before then kicking him away. But the cat like man didnt give up as he then jumped onto Sam and held on to him.

Freedom for Bucky was close that he threw a bomb at the exit and when it blew Sam got the cat like man to be flung through and with his claws he popped the tire on the motorcycle knocking Bucky off.

He went to fight him more, but Steve knocked him away and protected his friend as the government surrounded them with Rhodey who also showed up.

"Stand down now." Rhodey says to them.

"Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal." Rhodey says.

Some men brought Bucky down as the arrested him. One cuffed Steve and another did the same to Sam.

The cat like man took off his mask to revel T'Challa which confused Steve and Rhodey.

"Your Highness." Rhodey says.

But that really didnt matter to him as he looked at Bucky being picked up from the ground. Anger was in this man's eyes and he would get his revenge on Bucky because he killed his father.

A/N: I know he is BlackPanther, but before they say it, Sam calls him a cat cause thats what it looks like. So that why I said it.

On an unrelated note. How are you all liking the series so far? I'd really love some feedback with you thoughts because this one is the hardest one for me to do for Willa. So some feedback would be nice. Thanks.

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