Chapter 8

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Willa went to find and when she did, Sharon who was pacing around trying to find out with the next move. The moment Sharon saw her she didnt know what to think. She knew that there was a chance Willa could report her for helping Steve and Sam get to Bucky.

"Look Stark I..." Sharon says.

"You want to help Steve or not?" Willa asks her.

"Excuse you?" Sharon questions.

"I asked would you like to help Steve or not?" Willa asks again.

"Because I dont have much time. You want to help?" Willa asks.

"How would I even be able to help? And why should I trust you?" Sharon asks.

"I know you and I dont like one another and thats fine. But Steve needs help. He will he going into the line of fire without his Shield." Willa says.

"I get that, but what do you need me for?" Sharon asks.

"I need you to steal his Shield and Sam's wings and whatever else was taken from them. I cant do it because I dont have the code. And my dad would know it was me." Willa says.

"So you want me to steal from the government, just so you could run off and get Steve his stuff? Do you know what they will do to me?" Sharon asks.

"Im well aware. They already will come for you for letting Steve and Sam out in the first place. What more do you have to lose?" Willa asks her.

"I'll give you an offer. You get me their stuff and I'll help you get out of here and into hiding." Willa says.

"You can really grantee I can get out without them finding me?" Sharon asks.

"Yes I can, but we need to hurry. Its only a matter of time before Sam finds the burner phone." Willa says.

"Okay... I'll do it. Where should I meet you?" Sharon asks.

"Two blocks from here. There will be a white car when you show up in view I'll pop the trunk." Willa says.

Sharon nodded and the two went opposite ways. Willa even managed to say a goodbye to Natasha before she left. That way if anything came into play about the Shield going missing Nat could say Willa had nothing to do with it.

Now Nat however knew Willa very well at this point. So when she said goodbye to her the way she did, Nat just knew Willa was up to something and she knew that something might be about a certain Solider.

Willa got to the car and waited for Sharon and as planned Willa popped the trunk when Sharon arrived. Sharon placed the stuff in the car and Willa rolled down her window.

"Here take this." Willa says handing Sharon a paper.

"Its just and address." Sharon says.

"Yep. This address will lead you to a man who runs a small airline for sending people into hiding." Willa says.

"But how do you even know this man?" Sharon asks.

"Dont worry about it. He'll get you out of here thats all the matters. Best of luck Sharon and thank you." Willa says driving away.

In hiding Bucky was finally waking up and so Sam called for Steve. Steve saw his friend Bucky just looked at him.

"Steve?" Bucky questions.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asks.

"Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky says.

"Cant read that in a museum." Steve says.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam questions.

"What did I do?" Bucky asks.

"Enough." Steve says.

"Oh, God. I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words." Bucky says.

"Who was he?" Steve asks.

"I dont know." Bucky says.

"People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better then I dont know." Steve says.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where." Bucky says.

"Why would he need to know that?" Steve asks.

"Because Im not the only Winter Solider." Bucky says.

Bucky then told them about how they made others just like him. Who were worse much worse then he was.

"The doctor could he control them?" Steve asks

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"The doctor could he control them?" Steve asks.

"Enough." Bucky says.

"Said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve says.

"With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming." Bucky says.

Sam when over to Steve in concern about what they had just learned.

"This would have been alot easier a week ago." Sam says.

"If we call Tony...." Steve says.

"No, he wont believe us." Sam says.

"Even if he did...." Steve says.

"Who knows if the Accords would let him help." Sam says.

"We're on our own

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"We're on our own." Steve says.

"Maybe not. I know a guy." Sam says to him.

"Oh and a certain sneak gave me this." Sam says holding up a burner phone.

"Can you guess who?" Sam questions handing the phone over.

"Willa." Steve says.

"Wait... Willa... Like Willa Stark? So she didnt get in trouble for helping me." Bucky says.

Both of them turned to him in shock. What the hell did he mean by that? Willa helped him?When? And why?

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