Chapter 5

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Willa was in Berlin with her father who was constantly telling her to sign the Accords. But Willa wasnt going to be pushed around and told to do something she wasnt wanting to.

She kind of wished she was on Compound lockdown with Wanda and Vision that would be less of a hassle for her.

All she wanted though was to see Steve and tell him that something about the whole Bucky thing was a load of crap. And she was going to see him soon do to the fact that they caught him interfering with the end of Bucky.

"Wills, sign now. I need you to sign this before Rogers shows up and pretends his war buddy is innocent." Tony says pushing the papers towards her.

"I told you, Dad. Im retired. It would seem Clint is the only one who made the right choice." Willa says.

"No the right choice is doing what is right. And what is right for you is to sign." Tony says.

"No thats what you want me to do. I just rather retire and move on instead." Willa says.

"Im trying to protect you here." Tony says.

"Well its seems more like controlling to me." Willa says.

She wasnt wanting to fight with him, but she needed him to stop. She got up and left out of the room. She then saw everyone going somewhere and she knew it meant that Steve and the others have arrived.

She went down there and hid in the shadows just watching everyone. Then she saw Steve and the look of worry on his face as he looked at his locked up friend.

 Then she saw Steve and the look of worry on his face as he looked at his locked up friend

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Steve was then escorted in along with Sam and T'Challa. Willa though followed after the people who were taking Bucky. She hid out of sight just to get a glimpse. And what she saw was a man who was lost, scared, and in fear of the unknown. Willa got a feeling she knew all the well, she was right he was innocent and shouldnt be here.

"I have to get to Steve." Willa says and went to find him.

Steve was brought to where others were including Tony who was on the phone and rather pissed off.

Steve was brought to where others were including Tony who was on the phone and rather pissed off

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