Chapter 6

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Willa had been ever so lucky to bump into Steve. She took his hand and pulled him into an empty room. She wasnt sure if she should even tell him. She knew he believed her, but if she is right she knew what Steve would do. Which means she knows what they'll say about him.

"Willa, I know that look. Talk to me and I'll help make whatever it is heard." Steve says.

"So you already believe me even if I havent said anything?" Willa questions.

"You've never once failed with your feeling. So of course I believe you. Now what is it?" Steve asks.

"Its your friend Bucky. I saw when they brought him in. I even followed them as they were getting ready to ask him things." Willa says.

"And..." Steve says.

"And he is innocent. He hasnt done anything wrong. The past as the Winter Solider yes, but after HYDRA's downfall there is no way." Willa says to him.

"I saw the innocences in his eyes and the fear of what they'll do to him. He did nothing and you did the right thing by stepping in." Willa says.

"I knew it. He even looked at me knowing me. He said he doesnt do what HYDRA made him do anymore. And now you confirmed it for me." Steve says.

"The only thing is... We both know that no one will listen to me or you or even him. They believe what they want and its that stupid arrogance that will cause more trouble." Willa says.

"Agreed, but we cant just walk out of here with him." Steve says.

"I know. Listen, we should just go back to the others and see what happens to him." Willa says.

"Yeah I guess... And then..." Steve says.

"And then we'll find away to help him." Willa says.

Steve nodded at her and the two of them went back. There was a room where it was just Sam and they both walked into there.

"Let me guess a feeling that Barnes is innocent?" Sam questions looking at Willa.

"She knows it and I believe her." Steve says.

"Great. Why do I get a feeling some crazy shit will go down because of this." Sam says slightly laughing.

"You're not the only one." Willa says.

"Willa, I was kidding." Sam says.

"Well Im not." Willa says.

As Bucky was being set up for the evaluation Tony notice Willa was back with Steve and he knew all that will cause is trouble. He hated the idea of Willa choosing to be a criminal over her own family.

Steve just looked at the screen and even though he couldnt hear anything he didnt have a good feeling.

Sharon had walked in to give them the receipt for their stuff and turned on the screen in that room so they could hear what was going on.

"You see that. The look. He's nervous and scared. And the sadness in his voice isnt helping either. That poor man." Willa says.

"Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?" Steve asks.

"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can get." Sharon says.

"Right. Its a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. You got 7billion people looking for the WinterSolider." Steve says.

"You're saying someone framed him to find him?" Sharon asks.

"Well if someone wanted to find him that bad they would do anything and as sick as it sounds a frame job is the best way." Willa says.

"Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Sam says.

"We didnt bomb the UN. That turns alot of heads." Steve says.

"Yeah, but that doesnt guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would." Sharon says.

"Yeah..." Steve says looking at the doctor guy.

It was clear that this man in there might just be the one who set Bucky up to get him. The only question is why? Why would he do that?

The guy continued to talk to Bucky and he only wanted to talk about one thing. And when he said that if on cue all the lights shut off.

"Okay this is bad." Willa says.

"No kidding." Sam says.

"Sub-level five, East Wing." Sharon says.

Steve and Sam got out of the room and headed down to that place. Not knowing by the time they get down there, they will come face to face with the WinterSolider.

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