Chapter 2

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Three years later.

"Hi, Chris."

Chris smiles. He was again in his human form, picking Amaris up from where she'd been all day. Chris didn't want to deprive her of a human life, and he knew that he couldn't keep her inside his home forever. Allowing her to go to a regular, human school during the day was good for her. She got to go outside and mingle with other humans, which would be good for her development.

Plus, for the council of demons observing her, they were intrigued by the idea of seeing what would happen to a human exposed to both the mortal and demon realms.

"Hi, Amaris. How's first grade treating you?"

"So much better than kindergarten."

Chris chuckles, "Yeah?"

"Yeah. It's a lot more fun."

"Well, good." The two of them were currently walking away from the school building, toward the forest where they could enter the demon realm.

"Are you making friends?" Chris asks.

"Yeah. But don't worry. You'll always be my best friend."

Chris smiles, "You're my best friend too, Amaris."

"Do we have to go visit Mr. Balam again today?"

The first of every month, Balam and the other demons who were in on Chris's situation requested to meet with Chris and Amaris to reflect on their situation and update their studies.

"Yes, that's where we're headed."

"Will Bub bring me cookies again?"

Chris couldn't help but laugh. Beelzebub, the demon of gluttony, loved any excuse he could get to spoil the child with treats and sweets whenever he saw her.

"Maybe. Just don't eat so much that you get a bellyache."

"Bub says a bellyache would be good for me every now and then."

"Of course he would, he's in charge of gluttony."

"What's gluttony?"

"Never mind. You can have snacks, just not too much, okay?"


They reach the mouth of the woods. They were vast and deep, yet Chris was able to find the entrance to the demon realm seamlessly. A long, glowing slit forms in the trunk of the largest oak tree in the forest.

"Can we fly? Plleeeaaaasseee?" Amaris begs.

Chris chuckles, "I guess. You'll be too big for it soon, so I suppose we'd better enjoy it while we can."

Chris picks up Amaris. She wraps her arms and legs around him tightly, and he - intentionally, having a feeling that Amaris would want to fly today - wore a slightly oversized pea coat that he buttoned up over her to keep her hidden from the other demons who may spot them.

"Ready?" Chris asks.

Amaris nods, eagerly, "I'm ready!"

"Hold on tight."

The portal opens the rest of the way. Chris brings forth his horns and wings, his eyes turning red. He wraps his arms around Amaris, then takes flight.

Amaris immediately squeals with delight, gripping to Chris tightly. She looked up at Chris, focused on his flying so that they could reach their destination quickly; focused on protecting her. Amaris's eyes then dart to the purple skies, which she didn't get to see very often as Chris seldom let her go outside in the demon realm. Dark streaks of color flashed across the violet skies, that almost looked like the Northern Lights that Amaris had learned of in school. They were beautiful, and took her breath away each time she saw them.

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