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Disclaimer: There are foreign languages in this chapter that may not be correct because I used Google Translate.

Also: throughout this story you will see that I took just a teeny bit of inspo from Twilight being popular again; don't judge me lol. I also took some inspo from some other stories with this similar plot line but I definitely think I changed it up enough to make it unique and my own 😊

He appeared.

Carlotta's eyes widen and her heart falls to her stomach. She'd been practicing for a couple of years now, after putting it off despite her family's long time ties to the craft...but a part of her was unsure if her magick would be advanced enough to bring forth such a powerful force. Everything else had failed though; this was her last hope. Her grimoire, the book of spells and rituals that she'd written, lay in front of her - a large leather bound journal with the sigil drawn on it, taking up the entire page.

The demon looks down at the woman with curiosity. Clearly, she'd done her homework. The room was dark, the candles were lit, and the sigil had been drawn perfectly. The human woman sat on the floor, looking up at him. He could hardly believe it. One moment, he'd been with his fellow order, planning strategies for their next advance into the astral realm. The next, he felt himself being summoned, for the first time in nearly three hundred years.

"Well, then..." He purred to the woman who sat on the floor beneath him, "This is quite a treat."

Carlotta forces herself to look up at the entity she'd summoned. The fearful look in her eye remained, but a hint of confusion became present as well.

"You're not what I was expecting," She admits.

He certainly didn't look like a demon. Granted, he didn't entirely look like a normal human either. He stood tall, wearing all black, his pale skin covered in an array of colorful tattoos. His cheekbones were high, and admittedly, he was rather beautiful. The fact that he looked as human as he did was a surprise though.

"You were expecting horns and black wings?" He asks, "I could certainly present myself to you in my true form if you wish. However, many of us do have the ability to shape-shift. We at times present ourselves in human form should we need to work in the mortal realm in secret. Since I've not been summoned in nearly three centuries, I thought the least I could do was make myself look presentable."

Carlotta nods, supposing this made sense. The demon gets down on his knees in front of her, so that he could look her in the eyes. Carlotta's hair was dark and curly, and she had eyes that were a bright, brilliant blue. Carlotta was surprised to find that the eyes of the demon before her weren't red, or black, or pure white. In fact, they were hazel. Carlotta had read in her many books of demonology that there were plenty of demons who were kind and compassionate, and it appeared that this one was one of them. Carlotta did not quite relax though, knowing that the entity before her was incredibly powerful and ancient.

"What is it that you desire, dear?" He asks.

Carlotta gulps, brushing her dark locks out of her eyes before answering the demon's question.

"I want to have a baby."

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "Isn't that something that the humans typically ask of...lighter entities?"

Carlotta looks down, "I tried...I tried the church, I tried every angelic figure that I could think of, but nothing worked..."

The demon observes Carlotta. She looked as though she could burst into tears at any moment, clearly desperate.

"Why me then?" He asks, simply out of curiosity, "Why not the plethora of other demons associated with fertility?"

"I've reached the end of my rope," Carlotta explains, "The endless rituals, the constant poking and prodding of the doctors; I don't know how much more I can take. I thought the best course of action would be to not only summon a demon who is ancient and powerful, but also one who is rarely summoned, and therefore may be eager to assist a human in need."

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