Chapter 11

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"So," Merihem starts, "What are you going to do?"

Chris looks down at Amaris. Her breathing was labored and shaky, and her eyes were beginning to gloss over. Blood covered her face, neck and chest, and she was obviously in a terrible amount of pain.

"P-please..." She whispers.

Chris sighs, knowing that he couldn't stand to be without her, and that there was only one way to truly save her.

"Damn it," He says before looking to Amaris, "Stay with me, baby, stay with me. I know what to do."

Chris takes a deep breath, bracing himself; he chants something in his native demon language, then takes a bite out of his own wrist, and puts the black blood to Amaris's lips.


Amaris doesn't question it. She grabs Chris's wrist and holds it to her mouth, swallowing every drop of his blood that she can. Miraculously, the wound on her neck begins to heal, and the color begins to return to her flesh. Once she appears to be fully healed, Chris retracts his wrist and helps Amaris sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I think so..."

Suddenly, the two of them are forcefully apparated elsewhere. Merihem, Asmodeus, and Balam stood over Chris and Amaris, still on the floor. Only now, they were in Balam's throne room.

"I can't believe that just happened," Chris states.

"Are you alright, dear?" Merihem asks. He extends his hand to Amaris and helps her stand up.

"I think so," Amaris says, "I mean, Chris healed me, didn't he?"

"No," Balam says, "He just bought you more time."

Amaris furrows her eyebrows, "Time for what?"

"Time to make your decision," Asmodeus states.

"What decision?"

"Hmm. You've clearly not spent as much time in the library as we would have thought," Merihem states.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Amaris asks.

"My dear," Balam says, calmly, "When Namaah bit you, her venom began to ran through your veins. By drinking Christopher's blood, you can temporarily counteract the venom, but only for so long. Unless, of course, you drink more of his blood, but he only has so much to spare. So, you now have two courses of action that you can take."

"Okay, what are they?"

"Joining us," Asmodeus starts, "Or death."

Amaris's eyes widen, "What?!" She exclaims, "I have to become a demon?"

"My dear, isn't that what you've always wanted anyway?" Balam asks, "I can see into your past, Amaris. You never felt like you belonged in the mortal world to begin with. This has always been your home."

Amaris pauses, unable to believe this was happening. She takes a deep breath, then resumes.

"Well...seeing as I don't have that many options...what do I have to do?"

"The ritual is already in motion," Asmodeus says, "It started the moment Chris's blood touched your lips. You now have twenty four hours - actually, twenty three hours and fifty seven minutes - to complete the ritual, then your transformation will begin."

"And if I don't complete the ritual in that amount of time...I'll die?"

"Precisely," Merihem states.

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