Chapter 12 (Explicit Content)

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Chris turns Amaris so that her back was to his chest. He wraps his arms around her torso tightly, then unfurls his wings and horns.

"Are you serious?!" Amaris asks, excitedly, knowing that Chris was going to take her flying.

"Well, the reason it's been so long is because you've grown too much for me to hide you. Since you'll be one of us soon though and be able to fly on your own, I figured I had to take you myself one last time." Chris tightens his grip around Amaris, "You ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Hold on tight."

With that, Chris launches the two of them up in the air. Amaris shrieks in delight, much as she used to when she was younger. She smiles ear to ear as Chris takes her all across the demon realm. The skies were made of purple and green fire, which never ceased to completely enchant Amaris. The average buildings towered higher than some of the highest sky scrapers in the moral realm - never mind the castles, which seemed to tower endlessly into the fiery skies.

There was a river that stretched through the entire realm, the water a deep black in color. Trees with black bark and black leaves, growing forbidden fruit. As Amaris continues to look down at it all, she sees the tail of a giant water serpent appear in the river.

"What's that?!" Amaris exclaims.

"Eh, it's just Leviathan in his true form."

Another large, four-legged creature walked along the riverside, with gray rubbery skin and spikes going along it's spine; it almost looked like a dinosaur.

"And that's Behemoth, in his true form," Chris explains.

"Do all demons transform into weird creatures like that?"

"Nah, just some of the more ancient ones. You'll be stuck looking like me, with human shape-shifting capabilities."

"I'll take it."

"Baphomet should be around here somewhere too; I'll have to introduce you to them once you're transformed."

After flying around the realm for a little while longer, Chris flies them back home. Once they're back on their feet, Chris shifts back into his human form and the two of them walk inside. Both of them were smiling ear to ear, but they were home now. It was perhaps time to start getting things in motion...

Admittedly, they were unsure of what to do next.

"Um..." Chris says, "I-It's pretty late, did you wanna sleep? We have time, and it might be your last chance to before - "

"Chris," Amaris cuts him off, "There's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep."

The two of them stare at each other a moment, the realization about what was about to happen crashing down on them.

Amaris swallows, then extends her hand to Chris.

Chris gives a small smile, then takes Amaris's hand and she leads him off to her bedroom.

Amaris opens her bedroom door and the two of them step in. Amaris sees something set on top of her dresser and furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's that?" Amaris asks.

Chris releases Amaris's hand and walks over to observe everything. A bouquet of large red roses sat in a crystal vase. A few gift boxes, a leather bound book, and a note were also present.

"A little gift from Asmodeus," Chris says, looking at the note, "He must have figured out we would end up here."

"What did he bring us?"

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