Chapter 7

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Amaris wakes the morning of her eighteenth birthday with a smile on her face. It was April, and today was her last day of school before spring break. Chris would at times give her the option to skip school if her birthday was on a weekday, but she wanted to see Josh and Tayla, as they'd told her they had gifts for her.

As soon as she awakes, Chris apparates into her room.

"Happy Birthday!" Chris scoops Amaris up and spins her around.

"Ah! Chris!"

Chris kisses her cheek before setting her down on her bed again. He marveled at her disheveled black hair, sparkling blue eyes and the freckles on her nose. She grew more and more beautiful every day.

"Are you excited for our trip?" Chris asks.

"Beyond excited. It's all I've been able to think about."

"Well, start getting ready, and I'll treat you to a five star birthday breakfast before school."

"You're the sweetest."

"I know," Chris jokes. He then apparates out of the room.


Amaris's sense of style had evolved substantially over the years. Even when she was younger, she loved darker clothing and accessories. She covered up for school to avoid getting bitched at over the dress code, despite how stupid she thought it was. However, she'd grown more confident in her body, and Chris loved seeing Amaris love herself.

Today, Amaris wore a mesh shirt with a black T-shirt over it. She wore a black pleaded skirt with white stripes, and a belt and chains. Black stockings covered her legs, and she wore black, bulky ankle boots on her feet. Her black hair flowed over her shoulders and she'd done her makeup.

Amaris walks into the dining room to find a spread of breakfast foods all along the table

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Amaris walks into the dining room to find a spread of breakfast foods all along the table. She grins ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday, love," Chris says again.

"Thank you so much. You always make me feel so special."

"You're the most special thing in my life. It's my life's mission to make you feel special."

Amaris puts a hand on her chest, then steps forward and hugs Chris again. He smelled like amber and oak, and Amaris felt so warm in his embrace. She couldn't wait to spend time with him alone in Iceland.


Josh and Tayla decorated Amaris's locker for her birthday and gifted her with crystals and incense. Amaris was so thankful to have them as friends, and knew that she was going to miss them dearly when they went off to college. Then again, she'd have more time to spend with Chris.

The day seemed to drag, but Amaris appreciated all of the birthday wishes she received from acquaintances and teachers. When the day finally ended though, Amaris dashed out of her school and ran to the woods to meet her demon.

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