Chapter 3 (Trigger Warning)

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Trigger Warning: Brief mentions of suicide

"Good evening, Miss Delphi."

"Hello, Allocer," Amaris chimes. Approaching her thirteenth birthday, Amaris had been coming to the library to entertain herself whenever Chris was busy for years now. She knew the layout of the library well, as well as the demons that Chris worked alongside that Amaris was safe around.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Allocer asks.

"Have you got anything on Romanian mythology or folklore?"

"Ah, is Chris taking you to Romania on your spring break trip this year?"

While the demons still referred to Chris by his full name, they at times called him Chris as well since Amaris had grown so accustomed to it.

Each time Amaris was on a break from school, Chris took her on some kind of trip or adventure in the mortal realm. They'd been to many U.S. states and a few other countries as well. This time, Chris was planning on taking Amaris to Romania for a few days.

Amaris nods eagerly in response to Allocer, "Yes. I'm so excited."

"Well, I think I may have a few books you may like."

Allocer holds out his hand, and a moment later, the books he was thinking of fly into his hand.

"You've got to teach me how to do that," Amaris says.

Allocer chuckles, "I can do it because I'm a demon, but perhaps as your craft progresses, you'll learn a thing or two as well."

"Are there human witches who can do telekinesis?"

"Very few, but they do exist."

"I'll have to read on that when Chris and I get back," Amaris says, "Now, if only I could apparate."

"What? Getting tired of me?" Chris teases.

Amaris laughs and turns around to see Chris where he'd just apparated.

"No," Amaris says, "But it would be nice if I didn't always have to rely on you to take me everywhere."

"Fine, then you can take an airplane to Romania like a normal human."

"Oh, God, do not put me through that again."

"That's what I thought," Chris laughs.

"I think these books of Romanian stories will be to your liking," Allocer says, handing Amaris the books.

"Thank you, Allocer."

"Are you packed?"


"Well, let's go finish getting ready. We have to check into our hotel in a half hour."

"Okay. Thanks again, Allocer."

"My pleasure. Have fun."

Chris thanks Allocer as well, then he puts his arms around Amaris and the two of them apparate out of sight.

As soon as they're gone, someone else apparates in.

"Are you ready to report your findings?" Balam asks.

"With pleasure," Allocer says.


"You ready?"

Amaris nods, excited, "I'm ready."

Amaris wraps her arms around her best friend, feeling safer with him than anyone else in the universe. Chris holds her tightly to his chest, then he takes off.

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