Chapter 6

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Chris appears in the middle of the library, where Balam and Allocer currently stood in front of a table that had a couple of books on it.

"What the hell, Balam?!" Chris storms over to them, "I was just getting some answers!"

"Lord Lucifer has given you all of the information that he can," Balam explains, "I was afraid if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. You needed to hear from an experienced guardian demon how bizarre your circumstances are."

"Why does Amaris have this?" Chris holds up his hand to show his circular scar.

"You know why."

"Do I?" Chris asks, "Why did Lucifer's human not have one?"

"Lucifer's experience as a guardian demon was different from yours."

"That's been made very clear."

Balam nods, then turns to Allocer, "Show him."

Allocer opens one of the large books sitting on the table; it appeared to be a grimoire.

"This belonged to and was written by one Esmeralda Torsney," Allocer says.


"Amaris Delphi is the twentieth generation of a long line of witches," Balam starts, "Esmeralda Torsney...was the first."

Chris's eyes widen.

"She sought out spiritual teachers when she was alive and gained a world of knowledge and wisdom, which she then spread to her children and their children and so on. If there was any suspicion of Carlotta Delphi channeling her ancestors when she bound you and Amaris together, this confirms it," Allocer explains.

"The spell that Carlotta performed is in that grimoire?" Chris asks.

"There are a few different variations of the spell," Allocer says, "But yes, they are in here."

Chris takes the grimoire and observes it. It was bound in real leather, the pages yellow and crisp. Chris carefully sifts through the spells written in ink with a real feather quill. The grimoire was in a different language, but the demons understood many languages and could therefore translate the text.

"See, here. 'If the circular cut forms on the demon's left palm, the guardianship pact is complete'," Chris reads.

"Keep reading," Allocer advises.

Chris continues. There were various symbols and texts drawn about the pages, but Chris's eyes eventually find a drawing of what appeared to be a human hand with a circle on the palm.

"'If a similar scar is to appear on the guarded human's hand, then...'"

Chris stops, eyes wide. He couldn't believe it. This wasn't happening.

"Then what?" Balam asks, already knowing the answer.

Chris gulps, then continues, "'...then the demon has imprinted.'"


Chris stares down at the grimoire for what felt like an eternity, before finally looking up to Balam and Allocer, furious.

"You knew?"

"We thought you'd have figured it out by now," Balam explains, "Or that the girl would have discovered it in her studies."

"Is there any way to break the imprint?" Chris asks.

"Even if there was, it's been set for eighteen years. It's grown stronger each day. It's impenetrable by now," Balam says.

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