Chapter 55

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The next night Poppy is in his bed sleeping but,it isn't peaceful. The turned vampire tosses and turns in his bed! His unhappiness and fear is written all over his face! His hair gets more messy and wild! His heart beats fast and loud in his chest! Poppy is having a nightmare!

" No... please... what about ' no troll left behind ' ?... don't do this... help... ",Poppy mumbles softly and distressed in his sleep.

Then the male vampire accidentally falls out of his bed! His body hits the floor hard waking him up from his nightmare! The spy is wearing grey purple pajamas pants and black pajama shirt which was given to him to wear. Poppy is now laying on his front on the floor and his body feels a little sore from the impact of his fall.

" Ow!",Poppy groans softly and unhappily while feeling sore.

Then the turned vampire slowly lifts up his as he slowly opens his eyes. He uses his arms to lift his upper body up as if he is doing a pushup. He looks around the room as his blurry vision becomes clear. Once Poppy's vision is cleared up and realizes that he is in his shelter bedroom he let's a small breath trying to calm down.

" It was just a bad dream...Just a nightmare... ",Poppy says to himself softly.

Poppy's nightmare really scared him! He dreamt that he went back home to the village still being a vampire but; his mother, friends,fellow Vampire hunters and fellow trolls were scared of him and didn't trust him anymore! The other hunters had locked him up and were about to kill him in his dream when Poppy had waken up! What Mr Honey told him last night has been on his mind bothering him a lot!

The spy let's a defeated sigh then turns his body around slowly. He sits down on his butt and curls up his body. Poppy hugs his knees as he doesn't say a thing. There are no marks on his body and he doesn't feel sore anymore but, his heart continues to beat loud slowly down it's pace. Poppy can hear his heart beat in his ears.

Later that night he is taking a slow walk through the streets of Vampdom. He is wearing his normal clothes instead of his pajamas and his hair is neatly brushed. His hands are in his pocket and his mind is far away. There is a lost and thinking look on the Spy's face. Poppy manages to make his way without problem even know he isn't paying attention to everyone else. Other vampires pass him or he passes them on the sidewalk. Poppy is still thinking about what Mr Honey called " the harsh reality ".

Bothersome and concerning questions float in his mind. Would the Strings had disowned him as their own and kill him? Would the Snack Pack not trust or care about him? Would his mom abandon him? The male's heart breaks at the questions then he shakes his head trying to shake off his thoughts. Poppy knows that the Strings trust him,his friends would never stop being his friends and his mom would never abandon him!

Then along the way the turned vampire stops somewhere in the kingdom by a random book store. There are many different vampires just minding their own business as they relax outside a coffee shop or walking or going into the different businesses. Poppy looks around at them wondering if some of them had to deal with never seeing their friends or families from the village ever again... He frowns at the thought. It sounds so horrible and heartbreaking.

Then suddenly the spy's ears perk at the sound of Branch's voice! It sounds like she is close by. Very close. Her voice takes his mind away from his thoughts. Poppy starts walking forward following it without thinking about it. He makes a turn around the corner and immediately spots Branch standing by the beautiful fountain he once visited but, she isn't alone! To Poppy surprise and his subtle dismay he sees Maxwell! And Maxwell is getting a little too handsy with Branch...

Branch is too upset and uncomfortable to notice that she and Maxwell are being watched. She and Maxwell are standing a foot away from the fountain. The Queen is wearing one of her causal dresses. She pushes Maxwell away from with one her hand. Maxwell is way too close to her in her opinion.

" I told you. I'm not ready so just stop! ",Branch says upset.

Maxwell is wearing black jeans and long sleeve grey shirt. Maxwell smiles flirty at her not taking the hint. He thinks she is just playing 'Hard To Get' but, she is dead serious! The man chuckles at her amused by her little 'game' then grabs her arm and pulls her closer to him. Branch growls at him angrily.

" You seem to love playing Hard To Get,don't you? How about we just put this to rest and you give me a kiss? Then I'll take you to my place and the real fun can start. What do you say, Baby? You don't need that virginity...", Maxwell flirts in a seductive voice.

Maxwell's flirting only makes Branch more uncomfortable and upset! She roughly pulls her arm out of his grip and tries to walk away. Maxwell wasn't going to let her go that easy! He gets in front of her quickly again but, this time grabs the Queen pushes her closer to the fountain! His hands grope her body as Maxwell smiles at her.

" Where do you think your going, Doll face? Leaving without giving me your kiss?",Maxwell says flirty.

" Anywhere away from you! Now let me go! I'm Not Interested! What part of "No!" and " I'm Not Ready!" do you not understand? ", Branch says very upset.

Then Maxwell decides to make another move on her! He pulls her closer to him and leans forward a little ignoring her words. Poppy's hands turn into fist at Maxwell's actions and growls angrily not liking how he is treating Branch! It wasn't right! He immediately starts walking over to them ready to help the Queen but, what she does next stops him in his tracks!

Branch kicks Maxwell between his legs making him let go of her before his lips could reach hers. Then as Maxwell falls to his knees in front of her in pain she grabs him by his shoulders and throws him over her into the other end of the fountain effortlessly! He makes a big splash and now everyone is looking at him. The Queen turns around and looks at him with a stern look on her face.

" I said " No!", pervert! Don't ever came near me again and don't think you still have a chance! ",Branch says softly and seriously.

Then the Queen starts walking away from the fountain in an random direction like a badbutt woman. Poppy is shocked,in awe and impressed by her! His eyes and expression shows all his emotions while seeming blank. He never saw anyone protect themselves like that before!

" Woah! ",Poppy comments softly.

Then the spy notices that the Queen is walking away. He is still worried about her so he quickly runs after her. Luckily for him she didn't get far. The woman slowly stops walking when she notices Poppy is by her side. Poppy stops walking when does and looks at her softly.

" Hey Branch. Are you okay? I saw what was happening back at the fountain and was about to help you but, then you pulled that move on him. It was awesome! Where did you learn that? Did your grandpa teach you it?",Poppy says softly and concerned at first then impressed and in awe.

Branch looks at Poppy quietly for a second after waiting for him to finish talking. She honestly didn't need help which she clearly displayed back there. Hopefully Maxwell learnt his lesson so she doesn't have to deal with him again. That's one suitor off the list.

" Poppy. I'm fine and didn't need help but,thanks anyway for the thought. It will teach him not to try force to himself on me and no. It wasn't my grandpa,it was one of his best warriors in his place... ",Branch says honestly.

Poppy is happy to hear that she is fine. Honestly he is a little happy at that she doesn't want to see Maxwell again but, he doesn't fully know why. It angers him that Maxwell would do that but, he isn't focused on that now since Branch gave him a lesson. He gasps in awe when she told him that a warrior taught her the amazing move!

" Could you teach me how to do that?",Poppy asks eager.

"Why?", Branch asks blankly.

" Cause it looked so cool when you did it! ",Poppy says honestly,eager and happily.

" Shouldn't you be focusing on the training you should be doing now?",Branch asks blankly.

AN: Wave "Good Bye" to Maxwell ,cupcakes👋 And the incident with Maxwell was suggested by user34808498 in the comments but, I changed it a little and added some more to the idea.

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